Min CC 09/21/1972 CITY OF CIBOLO
The -_regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor
Schlather on September 21, 1972 at 7: 00 P .M. All members were
The minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting
were read and approved as read.
The financial report was read and accepted.
Mayor Schlather read a letter he had received from Mormon and Idlok
dated August 28, 1972. As of the beginning of the meeting they
had not provided the items of the- Master Plan they had promised - "
in -this -letter. Later in the meeting Mr. Osborne provided some - -
of the items of the Master Plan.
The City Council decided to delay action on the Unified Police
Communications Net Resolution pending acquisition of more infor-
mation on the cost of operation.
It was agreed that Mr. Lieck will represent Cibolo at the Veteran' s
Day Parade in Universal City on November 11.
Rev. McPhetridge of the Church of God appeared before the City-
Council to present his proposal concerning action to be taken
relative to the construction of their building which was not
in accordance with the plans previously approved by the City Coun-
cil. Rev. McPhetridge proposed to apply "P-ermastone" to the
building, said w-ork to be completed ,within 90 days .' The Council
unanimously approved his proposal.
Mayor Schlather read the attached request from Lewis Borgfeld re-
questing annexation of his land north of Cibolo . The Council set
a hearing date of October 19, 1972.
A motion was made by Mr. Niemietz and seconded by Mr. '- Dylla and.
passed to pass Resolution ler, approving the Thoroughfare Study.
Mr. Osborne of Mormon and Mok discussed �,,ith the Council the new-
est draft of the proposed subdivision ordinance. In addition, he
reported that A.LCOG has approved our Park improvement plans.
The next step is for us to submit an application to the Texas Parks
and Wildlife Department for whatever work we .;ant to do the first
year. If approved, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept . would fund
50% of the cost of the improvement to be made. However, ser-
vices in kind cannot be counted unless provided by paid Government
Employees. Futhermore , all improvements constructed must comply
with the minimum state specifications . Considerable discussion
ensued concerning the relative merits of obtaining the 50% match-
ing funds grant from the state versus obtaining donated labor and
supplies from the Cibolo Jaycees . Mr. Ling and Mayor Schlather
are to investigate further the cost of the concession stand. Fu-
ture co•- tacts with the Perks and Wildlife Department should be
with Mr. Bill :Kopp, Division of Grants-in-aid Division, Texas
Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, Texas 78711 Telephone 475-4497
(Normandy Firms , 3rd Floor)
Meeting adjourned at 12:05 A. M.
F. S. Schlather Mayor
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Uward Ling ity $ecretary