Min CC 11/16/1972 CITY OF CIEOLO
NOVEMBER 16, 1972
The regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor
Schlather at 6: 30 P. M. , with all members present except Alderman
The minutes were read and approved as read.
The financial report was read and accepted.
Mr. Bob Uhr of United Gas appeared before the Council to requesta 20 year franchise. Considerable discussion ensued concerning the
length of time of the franchise. The general concensus of the
Council was that they would prefer no more than 15 years . Mayor
Schlather was to contact Mr. Bruns the former City Attorney, to
determine if Mr. Bruns -had any adverse comment concerning his
previous review of a proposed franchise from -United Gas .
Linda was instructed to obtain a telephone charge card for the
City' s use .
Fred Niemietz was requested to obtain an inventory of City hand
tools for the record.
Police Chief Schoonover of Schertz discussed with the council
some of the details which might be involved in an intercity police
assistance contract.
The Council discussed the necessity for obtaining someone to -
act as corporation court judge . Mayor Schlather will investigate
this need and repirt to the Council.
Jerry Smith of Live "Oak discussed with the Council the cost and
advantages of the Intercity Radio Network. The cost to the City
would be approximately 450. per month. This figure is based on
our oro rata share of the operational cost of the system based on
population. Whether or not we join the Radio Net work it will be
necessary to provide our Marshal with new radios which will operate
on the same frequency as adjoining communities . Purchase of these
radios will be funded in part by federal grant if purchased at
this time.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.
Mayor S. Schlather
ldward Ling C.' y Secretary