Min CC 12/21/1972 CITY OF CIBOLO
DECEMBER 21 ,1972
The regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:10 P. M.
with all members present except Alderman Lieck and Alderman Niemietz .
The proposed twenty year franchise with Southwestern Bell Telephone
Company was discussed, since passage this calendar year would enable
the City to obtain the 2% Use tax for the entire calendar year of 1971 .
The proposed franchise was modified to require the Telephone Company to
place all their lines underground within five years . After this change,
a motion was made by Alderman Dykes, and seconded by Alderman Ling and
passed to pass Ordinance No . 48 granting a twenty year franchise to
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 P. M.
F. S. Schlather Mayor
Edward Ling C'ty Secretary