Min CC 01/18/1973 CITY OF CIBOLO
January 18, 1973
On January 18th, 1973, Mayor F. S. Schlather called the regular
City Council meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. All members were
present except Alderman Dylla.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The financial report was read and accepted.
It was agreed by the Council that thoes who had damaged street signs
should be billed for the actual repairs or replacement cost.
A motion was made by Alderman Lieck and seconded by Alderman Dykes
and passed unanimously to pass Ordinance #50 providing Social Security
coverage for all City employees .
The Council discussed and agreed that Mayor Schlat her was to obtain an
estimate from Mr. Kolodgie (surveyor) of the cost of providing an
accurate map of the City limits of Cibolo .
It was agreed that the March 1st meeting will be cancelled since it
conflicts with the School Spring Carnival.
Linda was directed to order 6 street signs . Linda was also directed
to send a special letter to the Southern Pacific Railroad concerning
our Weed and Trash Ordinance and to draft and reproduce copies of an
appropriate letter of notification to all other property owners within
the City.
There being no futher business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
F. S. Sc hl ath er Mayor
Edward Ling Cit Secretary