Min CC 01/04/1973 CITY OF CIBOLO
January 4, 1973
The regular meeting was called to order on January 4, at 7:00 P.M.
with all members present .
The minutes of December 7 and December 21 , 1972 meetings were read
with the correction of Mr. Fred Niemietz being present on Dec . 21 .
The Telephone Company returned our Ordinance #48 granting them a
twenty-five (25) year franchise with their acceptance but they de-
leted the changes which we had made to the franchise as originally
submitted. The council voted unuanimously to amend the ordinance
as they have accepted it .
The financial report was read and approved as read.
Alderman Ling reported that the revised application for the City Park
had been filed raising the amount to be provided by the grant to $7500.
from the original -$5000.
A motion was made by Alderman Ling to name the City Park the Ernst
Schlather Municipal Park. Considerable discussion ensued. The motion
was tabled.
A motion was made by Alderman Niemietz and seconded by Alderman Ling
and passed to pass Resolution #1010 outlining a Civil Defense Plan
for Cibolo and designating Mr. Lieck as the Director of Civil Defense
for the City of Cibolo .
The Council decided not to sign a 5 year contract with Mr. Floyd
Westerman in view of the fact that we had no need of a financial ad-
visor at this time. The contract will be held in abeyance pending a
need for a financial advisor.
A request for annexation from Olyn Krueger was read to the Council.
A motion was made by Alderman Ling, seconded by Alderman Niemietz
and passed to pass Ordinance #49 setting the date of January 22 at
6:00 P. M. for a public hearing concerning this annexation.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P. M.
6lA _
F. S. Sc hl ath er Mayor
Edward Ling Ci S92Vretary