Min CC 03/15/1973 of
MARCH 15, 1973
At 7:15 P. M. Mayor Schlather called the City Council meeting to order.
All members were present.
The minutes were read and approved as read.
The financial report was read and accepted.
Mayor Schlather reported that Mr. Hoyle Osborne had called and was ill.
He will try to make it on March 22 .
Mr. Villereal requested a permit for a 22 space mobile home park and
horse stables . There was some discussion on paving and water. Mayor
Schlather asked if additional time could be spent on this matter. This
request was tabled.
Mr. Doyle Hines of GVEC discussed with the Council the GVEC franchise. The
proposed franchise had been extended to 25 years . Mr. Hines stated that
they would not accept a franchise for a shorter period. After much
discussion, a motion was made by Alderman Dykes and seconded by Alderman
Dylla to pass Ordinance No . 53 granting a franchise to GVEC for 25 years .
Motion passed unanimously. On April 5, GVEC will meet with us again con-
cerning street lighting and other details .
There was much discussion concerning police protection for Cibolo . Alderman
Ling made a motion seconded by Alderman Niemietz to enter into a contract
for police protection on a trial basis with Schertz at $400.00 a month. The
motion passed unanimously.
Alderman Ling showed a floor plan and perspective drawing of the proposed
City Park Concession Stand. The Council approved of the concept .
Alderman Dykes made a motion, seconded by Alderman Lieck and passed to pass
Resolution No . 1011 officially setting our regular City Council meetings
on the first and third Thursday of each month.
Alderman Niemietz made a motion and Alderman Ling seconded it to pass
Resolution No . 1012 to buy Radios for the City as originally planned.
Motion passed unanimously.
Alderman Dylla made a motion, seconded by Alderman Dykes and passed that
we attempt to annex the land east of Dietz Creek and South of FM 78 to
the existing city limits . Mayor Schlather is to talk with the land owners .
Alderman Niemietz made a motion, seconded by Alderman Dylla and passed to
pass Ordinance No . 54 abolishing the City Marshal's position effective
April 7, 1973
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11 :10 P. M.
T.—S. ch' ather Mayor
Edward Ling City cretary