Min CC 03/22/1973 �r
MARCH 22, 1973
A special City Council meeting was called to order on March 22, at 7:30
P. M. with all members present .
Mr. Hoyle Osborne of Marmon and Mok was present at the meeting. He stated
that they had not made any progress on our Master Plan since last year, but
they had decided to reaccomplish the Subdivision Ordinance and Standards
to delete most of the engineering criteria from the Ordinance and place
it in a City Policy statement, thus making it easier to change if required.
He briefed the Council on one of the proposed sites for a San Antonio
Regional Airport, the one South of Cibolo adjoining RAFB. He promised
to have Subdivision, Zoning, and Mobile Home Park Ordinances in the hands
of the City several days prior to our April 5th meeting and to be at that
meeting to try to finalize some action on these ordinances and to get some-
thing drafted on the Master Plan narrative.
He advised that if rapid development begin, the City should retain a
consulting engineer for advice.
Alderman Ling asked if the new Subdivision Ordinance would require the
developer to bear the cost of additional testing on various phases of
development work required as a result of prior failures of tests . Mr.
Osborne said that he did not think so . As a result of the Council
discussion, he agreed that this should be included and to write this
provision into the policy or ordinance, as the case may be.
There being no further business, Council adjourned at 9:55 P. M.
S: So'h1ather Mayor
Edward Ling City retary