Min CC 04/05/1973 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 5, 1973 At 7:00 P. M., Mayor Schlather called the Council meeting to order. All members were present. The franchise with Guadalupe Valley Electric Co-op which was passed the preceeding meeting was signed by all members of the Council. The minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. Hoyle Osborne of Marmon and Mok was present at the Council meeting and presented the lastest drafts of his proposed zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance for Cibolo . Mr. Osborne stated that he did:-,not see a need for special zoning for townhouses at this time. They would automatically be permitted oT'l a special permit in certain areas . He felt that this would allow the Council sufficient discretion at this time and meet the needs of the City. He discussed the situation of private clubs in one family residential districts . This would be permitted by the proposed zoning ordinance on a special permit basis . The Council would have complete discretion concerning approval or disapproval. The permit for the private club could not be passed to another owner. Mr. Osborne pointed out that the Southern Standard Building Code which had previously been adopted would prohibit mobile homes on individual lots but they would be permitted in mobile home parks and in certain other areas by special permit. Some discussion ensued over septic tank requirements . Mr. Osborne emphasized the importance of the zoning map together with the individual clauses in the zoning ordinance. Considerable red tape is involved in changing the zoning of any parcel of land. He also pointed out that the proposed ordinance is very explicit concerning the uses allowed in a given district. For instance, a new residence could not be constructed in a commercial or general business district. 4k- OF", Mr. Osborne suggested that the Council pass a resolution requiring all request for building permits to come before the City Council. This would assist the Council in protecting land required for future right-of-ways . Mr. Osborne pointed out that the new proposed subdivision ordinance covers everything except construction standards . These can then be adopted as Policy or by Resolution making it easier to revise as the need arises. Mr. Osborne was to determine from Texas Municipal League if the construction standards should be adopted as Policy or by Resolution. Mr. Osborne recommended that the City consult with GVEC concerning the adoption of the National Electrical Code or some other code. He also recommended that we adopt the City of San Antonio Plumbing Code. He also pointed out that the lastest revision of the SSBC5 does not take into account the new lumber dimbnsion. He suggested that we study the situation before adopting a heating and air conditioning code. Mr. Osborne suggested that we study our present fire insurance rating, and the basis of the rating. Mr. Lieck was requested to bring the correspon- dence which he received concerning our fire rating to the next meeting. Constable Hugo Ackerman attended the meeting and discussed the possibility of some reimbursement from the City for additional police protection. One problem with accepting Mr. Ackerman's proposal would be that he could not enforce our City ordinances . However, he could slow down the speeders on FM 78 and 1103 and protect against vandalism and disorderly conduct . Mayor Schlather reported that the lawyer had not examined the proposed police agreement with Schertz . After discussing the police protection situation, the Council agreed to have Mayor Schlather ask Ed Higginson to attend the next Council meeting to discuss any proposal he might wish to make concerning police protection. The Council agreed not to proceed with the proposed contract with Schertz for police protection until further evaluation of possible alternatives . A motion was made by Alderman Niemietz, seconded by Alderman Lieck and passed unanimously to appoint Linda Ling as City Secretary, her salary to remain unchanged. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11 °20 P. M. 244z� F. S. S6h1alh7er Mayor Lind6 N. Ling City­gee r ry,