Min CC 04/19/1973 CITY OF CIBOLO
APRIL 19, 1973
The regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor
Schlather at 7:15 P.M. Linda Ling reported the official results
of the election as follows:
F. S. Schlather 43 votes
Alwin Lieck 42 votes
Ted Dykes 40 votes
Albert Hennig 1 vote
Tomy Meek 1 vote
Johnny Meek 1 vote
Mayor Schlather and Aldermen Lieck and Dykes were sworn in by
Alderman Ed Ling.
A building permit was granted to Clyde and Margie Smith for a
prefabricated home.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The financial report was read and accepted.
Alderman Lieck briefed the Council on the Fire Dept . promotion of the
use of Red Ball stickers for fire safety of children and incapacitated
persons . He also reported that the Fire Dept. has purchased a number
of dry chemical fire extinguishers for resale to local citizens for
their protection.
Mayor Schlather reported that a collection was being taken at the Bank
for the Baton family who lost all of their belongings in their recent
mobile home fire.
In the Council's further study of Police protection, Ed Higginson sent word
that he would not be interested in .providing said protection at this time.
The Council agreed that we should provide some added reimbursement for
Constable Hugo Ackermann for added protection. Mayor Schlather was to
consult with Mayor Hill of Marion to arrive at a reasonable and equitable sum.
The annexation of the old Circle K area was discussed and it was agreed
that action should proceed on this matter as quickly as possible.
A motion was made by Alderman Lieck, seconded by Alderman Dykes and
passed unanimously to pay our election workers $12.00 each.
A motion was made by Alderman Niemietz and seconded by Alderman Ling
and passed unanimously to pay the Mayor and each Alderman $5.00 for
each regular meeting, $3.00 for each special meeting and same are to
be fined $3.00 for failure to attend any meeting. The City Secretary
is to be paid $5.00 for each special meeting.
Alderman Ling showed the Council the preliminary plans for the City
Park which he is preparing.
Alderman Niemietz reported there will be a work day in the City Park
on April 29.
The requirement for auditing of the City's Books was brought to the
Council's attention by Linda Ling. She was directed to contact Ray Corbett
and have him enlist the services of two additional citizens of Cibolo
to accomplish this task.
Alderman Lieck reported that he didnot have the fire rating form for
Cibolo but would present it at the next meeting.
The Council agreed to meet at 6:30 P.M. on May 3 to canvass the City
for compliance with our Weed and Trash Ordinance and our Junk Automobile
The Council authorized payment of the bill for $ 52 .33 from T & F
Construction for street repairs . It was noted that future bills should
be itemized.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:15P. M.
F. S. Sch"latfier
�daN. Ling
City Secretary