Min CC 05/17/1973 CITY OF C IBO IO CITY COUNCIL =ING MAY 175 1973 The regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:15 P. M. on May 175 1973 by Mayor Schlather with all members pre- sent. Also present was Homer Dean, Recreation Director. The minutes were read and approved with the correction that Mr. Clyde Jones was given a permit to place a mobile home on a commercial lot behind the Cibolo Drive Inn. The financial report was read and accepted. Mayor Schlather reported there had been a delay in obtaining -,-, signatures on the proposed annexation request . It is anticipated they will be ready by the next meeting. Ed Ling reported that he had gone to Austin on May 9th and obtained the approval of the Parks and Wildlife Department to proceed with the construction of the water line for the trees and picnic area. He also reported that the construction of this water line is now underway. Mayor Schlather reported that Mr. Osborne of Marmon and Mok called today to say that he couldnot make this meeting. However, he promised to attend the next meeting scheduled for June 7th. Plans were made for the clean-up Saturday. Considerable discussion ensued concerning the best use of our revenue sharing funds . There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. F. S. chlath er Mayor 22 Linda N. Ling 0 City Secretary