Min CC 06/21/1973 Y/ JC CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 215 1973 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schlather at 7:00 P. M. with all members present . Mr. Hoyle Osborne of Marmon and Mok was also present. The minutes were read and approved as read. The financial report was read and accepted. A priority list from the Resorce Conservation and Development Commission was discussed. No action was taken at this time. This will be considered at a future meeting. Mayor Schlather reported that Shawn Enterprises had requested of him and had received permission to donate a portion of their Saturday proceeds to the City for use in development of the City Park. Considerable discussion ensued concerning the desirability of accepting said donation. The majority agreed to accept the donation. Mr. Hoyle Osborne presented and discussed the Zoning Map proposed for Cibolo, setbacks for the Subdivision Ordinance, lot sizes, sidewalks, and various tech- nical aspects of the Engineering Standards to accompany the Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Osborne also pointed out the need for a Planning Commission and a Board of Adjustment . He reccommended use of 5 people on the Planning Commission with a maximum of 9. The Planning Commission should meet once a month and at least once every second month he recommended they have a joint meeting with the Council to keep the Council informed. A motion was made by Alderman Edward, Ling (Alderman Alwin Lieck) and passed unanimously to pass Subdivision Ordinance No . 60 setting out the Subdivision regulations for the City. A motion was made by Alderman Edward Ling (Alderman Ted Dykes) and passed unanimously to pass Ordinance No . 61 with the accompaning Zoning Map setting out the Zoning regulations of the City. The flood map and report presented by the Corps of Engineers in Universal City this evening was discussed at some length. Linda Ling was directed to write a letter to WGCMUD concerning the proposed charge for a water meter at the City Park since it was the understanding of the Council that this charge had been paid by a previous owner. Linda Ling was also requested to determine the amount of City Taxes being paid by the Southern Pacific Railroad. Mayor Schlather was to call George Barnard (GVEC) to obtain a street light near the existing house in the City Park. Alderman Edward Ling reported on the Council's previous request that he purchase a chalkboard/bulletin board. The list price is approximately $125.00. He was directed to purchase such a board at a cost of approximately $75.00. There being no further business the meeting adjourned a 10:30 P.M. 4-41�W44/, f F. S. Schlather Mayor r Linda N. Ling City Secretary