Min CC 07/05/1973 CITY OF CIBOLO
JULY 55 1973
The regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor F. S. Schlather
at 7:00 P. M. with all members present except Alderman Ted Dykes. Also
present at the meeting was Mr. Otto Schultz .
Mr. Schultz asked the City Council if it would be possible for him to con-
struct a residence with a beauty shop therein and if so what proceedures
would be necessary. He was informed that the area is presently zoned for
residential only, however the council would be receptive to a request for
rezoning. Rezoning proceedures will be in accordance with our new zoning
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Alderman Alwin Lieck (Alderman Clemens Dylla) made a motion to reimburse
Mayor Schlather for all expenses incurred in attending the hearing before
the Environmental Protection Agency in Dallas on July 6th. The hearing is
in relation to the recent disapproval 6f CCMA's request for a grant for the
regional sewer system.
Alderman Alwih Lieck asked concerning a building permit for an addition on
his home. He was informed action would be taken upon his submittal of a re-
quest in writing for the permit. There was no apparent problem with issuance
of a permit if construction is in accordance with the Building Code.
A motion was made by Alderman Clemens Dylla (Alderman Edward Ling) that we
lease the 22 ton 6x6 Army truck recently acquired by the City to the Fire
Department for a period of one year for $1 .00 on the conditions the Fire
Department assume all responsibility for all libilities .
Alderman Alwin Lieck is to obtain an estimate on the cost of tires, batteries
and a water tank required to make the vehicle serviceable.
Alderman Alwin Lieck is to attempt to obtain a schredder through Army Surplus
or GSA.
The public hearing concerning the proposed annexation of the land Southwest
of the City of Cibolo city limits was held. Mayor Schlath er asked if any-
one dbsired to speak on this matter. No one had any comment .
The Council agreed to request Constable Hugo Ackermann to attend the first
regular meeting of each month. The Council heard the request of Mr. Morrison
expressing his interest in a part-time police position. However, the Council
did not feel a need for additional personnel at this time.
Alderman Alwin Lieck (Alderman Clemens Dylla) made a motion that the City
join the Texas Municipal League again this year.
Linda Ling was directed to write a letter of appreciation to Shawn Charity
Inc . for their contribution to our City Park Fund.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 P. M-
.F. S.. Sch ather
Linda N. Ling
City Secretary