Min CC 07/19/1973 I i i CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 195 1973 The regular City Council meeting on July 19, 1973, was called to order by Mayor Schlather at 7:10 P.M. with all members present except Alderman Alwin Lieck. The minutes were read and approved as read. The financial report was read and accepted. It was reported that the contract for leasing of the surplus army truck to the Fire Department is being worked on. The Fire Department is in process of obtain- ing bids for rehabilitating the truck. Alderman Fred Niemietz reported that Mr. Waddel had expressed an interest in doing shredding work for the City when he obtains the necessary equipment. A motion was made by Alderman Fred Niemietz (Alderman Edward Ling) and passed unanimously to pass Ordinance # 56 annexing the property on the Southwest of the City limits of Cibolo to Dietz Creek. The Council agreed to investigate the need for and proper proceedures for partic- ipation in the National Flood Insurance Program. Alderman Fred Niemietz verbally presented Alderman Alwin Lieck's request for a building permit for an addition to his home.- Council approved subject to his submission of a written application. Linda was directed to bill CCMA for the $100.00 loan made a year ago to finance the founding of CCMA. She was also to bill them for Mayor Schlather's expenses in appearing at the EPA hearing in Dallas on July 6, 1973• Alderman Edward Ling presented Rusty Croxton's request for the Council to consider the passage of a late hours ordinance for alcoholic beverages establishments . No action could be taken on the Mobile Home Park Ordinance since Mr. Osborne did not attend the meeting and had not furnished a draft of the ordinance to the Council. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. &/Z_"� - F. K.r5chlather Mayor a Lindh N. Ling City ec, tary