Min CC 08/02/1973 CITY OF CIBOIO
AUGUST 2, 1973
The regular City Council meeting was called to order August 2, 1973,
at 7:00 P.M. with all members present.
The minutes were read and approved as read.
A motion was made by Alderman Fred Niemietz (Alderman Alwin Lieck) that we
reimburse Alamo Area Council of Governments for the radio equipment which
was ordered for Cibolo. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Alderman Fred Niemietz (Alderman Edward Ling) that our
old radio unit, being obsolete, would be given to the Cibolo Vol. Fire
Dept . to use in our county. This unit is to be left in former City Marshal
Ed Higginson's car since he is now Fire Chief. This unit can no longer
aid the City but the Fire Dept. is still using this frequency. The motion
passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Alderman Ted Dykes (Clemens Dylla) to pass Ordinance
Number 57 to regulate the hours of sale of alcoholic beverages . The motion
passed (4-0) .
A motion was made by Alderman Edward Ling (Alderman Ted Dykes) to adopt the
Uniform Plumbing Code for Cibolo by passage of Ordinance Number 58. The
motion passed unanimously.
Nuch discussion ensued on selecting an attorney to assist or to be on retainer
for Cibolo . A motion was made by Clemens Dylla( Edward Ling) to contact Mr.
Bennie Bock to see if he would be interested in serving in this capacity and his
fee schedule. The motion passed unanimously.
Constable Hugo Ackermann reported to the Council in general on his activities
in Cibolo the pass month. A number of problems are being encountered with
stray dogs . Considerable discussion ensued concerning this problem and possible
solutions . The council agreed to have an ordinance drafted requiring vacination
and licensing of all pets within the city. Linda was directed to draft a
news release to the local paper pointing out the danger of rabies in local pets
as a result of the increased bat population.
Mr. Swenson reported to the Council on recent actions of the Resource,
Conservation and Development and presented a list of priorities for assessment
by the Council.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Iaaa -
F. S. Schlather Mayor
22 ZL
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