Min CC 09/06/1973 I
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The regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present for the meeting were all members except Alderman Alwin Lieck.
The Council discussed at length the upcoming sewer system for Cibolo
and the necessity for our sewer system construction to coincide with
CCMA's construction of a gathering line from Cibolo to their plant.
The Council also discussed at some length the requirement for an ex-
panded water supply system for the new areas .in Cibolo not presently
incorporated in the WGCMUD. Such a system will be required before any
significant number of new homes can be built in Cibolo .
Alderman Edward Ling presented a proposed budget for the remainder of
calendar year 73 and for calendar year 74. Also presented were the
actual expenditures for calendar year 69, 70, 71 , and 72 . After a few
changes, the budget was tentatively approved. However, Alderman Fred
Niemietz is to present similar information from the Parks and Recreation
Dept . at the next regular meeting. At that time the two budgets will be
consolidated and finalized.
It was agreed that our Revenue Sharing Funds to be received in fisical
year 74 will be spent as follows: $1000. for debt retirement on the
City Park and the remainder to be spent for street repair and street
improvements .
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 P. M.
E: S. Schlather
Linaa N. Ling
City Secretary