Min CC 09/20/1973 CITY OF CIBO LO
SEPTEMBER 205 1973
The regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by
Mayor Schlather with all councilmen present.
The minutes were read and approved as read.
The financial report was read and accepted.
A partial financial report from the Recreation Dept. was presented with
the request that a complete report by calendar year be prepared for the
Council's use in finalizing our budget for next year.
The drainage problem in Cibolo, as evidenced by the recent Sunday rain,
was discussed at some length. The solution of the problem will be a part
of the street improvement plan.
Mr. Hoyle Osborne never returned Linda's telephone call so we could request
his presence at this meeting. Consequently, no action could be taken on
the Master Plan.
Messrs-. Bennie Bock and Hiram Miller, attorneys, were present at the
meeting to discuss with the Council their possible retention as our City
Attorneys . They stated that their standard fee, as recommended by the
State Bar Association, was $40. per hour plus their out-of-pocket expenses.
After some discussion, a motion was made by Alderman Ling (Clemens Dylla)
and passed unanimously to retain Bock and Miller at their standard fee.
The agreement can be terminated at any time. They are to briefly review
our ordinances, and assist in getting the Texas Highway Dept. to complete
study of new by pass route and drainage problem in Cibolo .
Linda was directed to contact Marmon and Mok to have the North part
of South Main St. zoned commercial. /
The Council agreed to a $57.00 fee for Mr. Otto Schnieder's building permit
for which he was to apply.
Linda was directed to contact Tri City Insurance to assure adequate liability
coverage on the City Park.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
F. S. Sc ather Mayor
Linda N. Ling City, ecretary