Min CC 02/09/1974 CITY OF CIBOLO
FEBRUARY 9, 1971
A Special City Council meeting was called to order February 9, 1971 ,
at 12:00 noon, with all members present except Alderman Lieck and Dykes .
The minutes were read and approved as read.
The Council considered three(3) proposals for three(3) year refuse dis-
posal contracts . The bidders were as follows:
Gutierrez Disposal and Materials, Inc . $3 .25 mo .
R A S Santitation $3 .25 mo -
o .Schuster Santiattion $3 .00 mo .
The Council considered all aspects of each proposal. The low bidder,
Schuster Santitation did not carry workmans compensation nor libility
insurance. Neither did they have their own sanitary fill area. In
light of these short commings, their bid was not accepted. A motion
to pass Ordinance No . 63 was made by Alderman Clemens Dylla(Alderman
Fred Niemietz) and passed to continue the use of Gutierrez Disposal
Service. This motion was based on the past satisfactory performance
record of Gutierrez Disposal Service.
Due to Alderman Ted Dykes extended hospitalization, Linda was requested
to contact Mr. Ralph Giles concerning the feasibility of granting our
senior citizens a $3000. exemption.
It was reported that the WGCMUD had held their regular meeting on the
4th 'of February but had not reached a conclusion concerning a desirability
of consolidating with the City of Cibolo . They are to do some further investi-
gation and reach a conclusion prior to our next meeting. Due to anticipated
hospitalization of Aldermen Lieck and Dykes, the Council agreed to cancel
the regular meeting on the 21st of February and schedule the special meeting
on the 23rd of February at 12:00 noon.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1 :05 P.M.
F. S. Schlather
Linda N. Ling
City Secretary