Min CC 02/23/1974 - Special CITY OF CIBOLO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 1974 A Special City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor F. S. Schlather February 23, 1974, at 12:00 moon with all members present except Alderman Alwin Lieck. The minutes were read and approved as read. The financial reports (general , tax, revenue sharing, certificate of deposit) were read. Alderman Ted Dykes made a motion to approve the financial report. Alderman Fred Niemietz seconded the motion. Motion passed. The following citizens appeared before the council to request action to eliminate numerous dogs freely roaming the streets and dogs barking at night: Mrs . Fred Wiedner Mrs . Nirider Mr. Flugrath Mr. Harris Mr. Tomy Meek Rev. Hennig Mr. and Mrs . Donald Strey The council requested that Linda obtain and prepare an ordinance requesting that all dogs be vaccinated. She was also directed to place a news item in the newspaper urging our citizens to control their pets. She was also directed to prepare a -letter to all owners of pets against whom complaints were lodged. Other problems presented to the City Council by the citizens were the lack of compliance with the City Weed and Trash Ordinance and ower flowing or stopped-up septic tanks. Mayor Schlather reported that the WGCMUD had agreed to the City 's assumption subject to the proper legal measures. Mr. T. J. Harris asked the council what would be required to extend the 30 MPH speed zone on 1103 to just beyond the bowling alley. He also suggested that cross- walks be painted and amrked on 1103 and FM 78 to protect children enroute to school . Mayor Schlather requested that Mr. Harris study the problem and present definate recomendations to the council at their next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1 :30 P.M. F. S. Schlather Mayor Lina N. Ling City lecretary