Min CC 01/17/1974 00 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 17, 1971 The regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 P. M. with all members present except Aldermen Dykes and Lieck. The minutes were read and approved as read. The financial report was read and accepted. Mr. Uhr of United Gas presented to the Council a slightly revised Ordinance setting forth the rate schedule for the United Gas Franchise. A motion to pass this Ordinance No . 62, was made by Fred Niemietz (Edward Ling) and pass- ed. ass- ed. Edward Ling and Fred Niemietz voted for the motion and Clemens Dylla voted against the motion. The second portion of this meeting was a joint meeting with the WGCMUD which was represented by Messrs . Wiederstein, Kierum, Meek, and Rave. Also present for the meeting were Mr. Francis of the Water Quality Board, Jesse Graham of CCMA, Bill Mullins Consulting Engineer, and Mr. Tom Anderlich Financial Advisor. Mayor Schlather discussed with WGCMUD members the Council' s plans for the future including water system expansion, sewer installation and street paving. Mr. Anderlich presented and discussed a possible bonding proposal which would accomplish these purposes. The necessity for expeditious action concerning the sewer system was emphasized since our sewer system installation must coincide with CCMA's installation of a gathering line of Cibolo . The design for CCMA;s portion is already underway. The Water Board members agreed to try to hold a special meeting before their regular meeting on the 4th of February. If this occurred, the City Council agreed to hold a joint meeting with the Water Board at their regular meeting on the nth of February. If they failed to have a special meeting, then the Water Board members agreed to have a joint meeting with the Council on February 7th at which time they would formally present their views concerning the consolidation of the Water District and the City. Edward Ling reported briefly on his trip to the Parks and Wildlife Dept . in Austin concerning our grant for City Park construction. Donated labor by professional craftsmen is now exceptable as a portion of the City's 50% share of the project. It is essential that a list of all materials and labor to be donated for this project be assembled as quickly as possible. Upon completion of this list, a revised application will be submitted to the Parks and Wildlife Dept. The Dept . promised to review and return the plans and specifications within two weeks . A motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Edward Ling) to authorize Mayor Schlather to seek out and purchase an option for land on which to drill a water well. Motion passed unamiously. Mayor Schlather reported that Mr. Ehlers of Texas Highway Dept . had discussed their plans for the widening of FM 78. Mayor Schlather reported that he had received from Marmon and Mok a single draft copy of the Master Plan for Cibolo . There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M. F. S. Schlather Mayor Linda N. Ling City Secretary