Min CC 06/05/1974 - Special 6 rd
JUNE 5, 1974
A Special City Council meeting was called to order on June 5, 1974, at
6:00 P. M. by Mayor F. S. Schlather with all members present except Alderman
Ted Dykes. Also p:-esent
Mayor Schlather read Ordinance # 86 setting this day, June 5,; 1974,
as the time for a public hearing concerning the proposed annexation of 5.343
acres of land belonging to W. E. Dean, Trustee. The Mayor asked if anyone
desired to speak either for or against the annexation of this land. No one
spoke concerning the annexation. Therefore since no one desired to speak, the
public hearing was adjourned by the Mayor
Mayor Schlather read Ordinance # 87 setting this day, June 5, 1974,
as the time for a public hearing concerning the proposed annexation of 36.691
acres of land belonging to Theodore F. Schmidt. The Mayor asked if anyone
desired to speak either for or against the annexation of this land. No one
spoke concerning the annexation. Therefore since no one desired to speak, the
public hearing was adjourned by the Mayor.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:00 P. M.
F. S: Schlather Mayor
Linda N. Ling Ci S7etary