Min CC 06/20/1974 CITY OF CIBOLO
JUNE 205 1974
A regular City Council meeting was called to order on June 20, 1971 , at
7:00 P.M. with all members present except Mayor Schlather, Edward Ling
and Linda Ling. Mayor Pro tem Ted Dykes presided over the meeting.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as read.
The financial report was read and accepted.
A motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Mrs. Lieck) and passed unanimously
to pass Ordinance No. 181, annexing a 76.649 acre tract of land belong-
ing to Oscar Orth.
A motion was made by Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) and passed unanimously to
pass Ordinance NG_182 extending the ETJ of the City of Cibolo to include
a 2 .07 acre tract of land belonging to Evelyn Zuercher-
A discussion was held concerning the request of Mr. Hennecke to place a
portable skating rink on Mr. Bowers' property fronting on Pfeil Street.
The portable skating rink was to consist of a 90 x 40 ft. tent, and was
to be placed there for a period of two months (July and Ausgust) . The
matter was tabled until the next regular meeting.
The meeting was attended-by Hugo Ackermann. Mr. Ackermann discussed _ e 'r"T
the water shut-offs for non-payment of bills . He stated it was his under- „
standing that there was no penalty charge made for turning the water off and
back on in the case of delinqu&nt accounts . It was Mr. Ackermann's
recommendation that a fee of $7.00 to $10.00 be charged.
Mr. Ackermann also wanted to know what the policy of the water district
was in case a customer wanted to pay an,overdue account to him personally
at the time he went out to turn off the water and whether or not a penalty
whould be charged at that time.
Mr. Ackermann also brought up the fact that some residents in the city
have two commercial and five residences hooked up to one water meter, and
suggested this situation should be investigated.
It was suggested that rules and regulations for the water destrict should be
Meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pro tem Ted Dykes at 8:30 P. M.
F. S. Schla her Mayor
Linda N. Ling City Secr ary