Min CC 07/02/1974 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1974 REGULAR MEETING The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Mayor Schlather with all members present. Mr. Grant Pfeil , City Building Inspector was also present. The invocation was given by Alderman Ling. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read. The need to develop some written policies regarding operation of the water system ,was discussed again. Mayor Schlather appointed Marge Smith to investigate any existing policy, neighboring cities ' policies and draft a proposed policy for Cibolo. The desirability of interlocal contracting with Schertz for water was discussed, including the possible insurance rate advantage. Alderman Ling repon: ad to the Council the status of the City Park project. After discussion, the Council agreed to stage a 41.— near i near the end of Sept. or first of Oct. ( ed—ping on other scheduled evdhts that might conflict) in the City Park to raise money for the park construction project. The -IX � wi l l include a raffle, bingo, children 's rides, country store, ats, drinks and any other events which would be profitable. It is intended to involve all the civic clubs, fire dept., fire dept. auxiliary, etc. In addition, donations for the park construction will be soliciated from civic clubs and businessmen in the next few weeks. Messrs Leon Netardus, Lewis Echols, Richard Tolle and Lewis Borgfeld, all of GVEC, appeared before the council to present their case for the proposed rate increase scheduled for August 1 , 1974. The major cause was the rate increase levied on GVEC by LCRA, based mainly on the need for expansion of generating capicity. While present, GVEC personnel were reminded that lights for the driveway of the City Park had not yet been provided as provided for in their franchise. They agreed to accomplish the work as soon as the exact scope was defined. The Council agreed to hold a special City Council meeting with Schertz on the 9th of July, 1974, at 7:00 P. M. at the Schertz City Hall to discuss items of common interest The Council also agreed to hold a special meeting on the 10th of July 1974, at 7:00 P. M. to discuss a bond issue for Cibolo for water system expansion, sewer installation and street paviing. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M. F. S. Schlather Mayor Linda N. Ling C i ty SeqAtary