Min CC 07/10/1974 CITY OF CIBOLO
JULY 10, 1974
The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Schlather at 7:00 P. M.
with all members present as well as Mr. Tom Anderlitch, financial advisor and
Mr. Hugo Ackermann, water works operator.
Mr. Anderlitch discussed the proposed bond election issues, explaining the costs,
repayment schedules, tac rates, water rates, etc.
After much discussion of the City 's requirements, it was determined that it will
be necessary to issue $125,000. of bonds for the sewer system, $50,000. for street
paving, and $150,000. for water system expansion. In addition, it was agreed to
vote on an extra $100,.000 of authorization for water system expansion.
A tentative scheduile was proposed as follows:
July 18- Pass Ordinance calling election
July 25-First Publication
Aug. 1- Regular Meeting and Second Publication
Aug. 8-Town Meeting
Aug. 10-Bond Election
The need and cost of considering drainage problems in Cibolo as a part of the proposed
improvement program were also discussed with no specific action taken. Cost will
be the restraining factor.
The need for a pickup for the water dept was discussed. A motion was made by Edward
Ling (Fred Niemietz) and passed unanimously to authorize Mayor Schlather to purchase
either a pickup owned by Andrew Tolle ($300.) or by Bill Marsh($600.) , price not
to exceed $600.00, based on Mr. Ackerman's recommendation of the best buy.
A motion was made by Ted Dykes (Edward Ling) and passed unanimously to pay a $69.75
charge by CCMA for assistance in repairing a major water line break.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
-, �
F. S. Sch-lather Mayor
Lina N. Ling Cit S retary