Min CC 08/01/1974 CITY OF CIBOLO
AUGUST 1j 1974
The Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.
by Mayor F. S. Schlather with all members present.
The invocation was given by Alderman Edward Ling.
The minutes were read and approved as read.
Mayor Schlather brought to the Council Mrs. Brucks ' request for
the City to keep the City Hall open during church services of
the St. Paul 's United Church of Christ to make our rest room
available for their use. After discussion, it was the concenses
of opinion that i;t would not be appropriate nor desirable.
Considerable discussion ensued concerning Schertz's recent annexation
of the land within our ETJ, which is considered illegal . - Schertz had
proposed that Cibolo condone this act to assist them in extending
their boundaries and that they would release it to us as .soon as
legally feasible. This was proposed in there.' letter of
They also agreed to work out a legal, binding ETJ agreement :on our
present and future common boundaries. The Council agreed that
Mayor Schlather and Linda would prepare a map showing desired boundary
lines for Schertz 's consideration.
A Ciaotion was made by Alderman Fred Niemietz (Edward Ling) and passed
unanimously to pay the recent bill from Bennie Bock, our City Attorney.
A motion was made by Fr6d Niemietz(Marge Smith) and passed unanimously
to pass resolution No. /0 /Y ANd resolution No. 1018B concerning
the flood control insurance for Cibolo.
A motion was made by Edward Ling (Mrs. Stella Lieck) and passed unanimously
to pass Resolution # /®/9 commending the directors of
West Guadalupe Coun ty Municipal Utility District for their outstanding
public service to the community.
Mayor Schlather agreed to contact all the local civic clubs concerning
donations and/or participation in the Fun Day to raise money for our
City Park.
Their being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
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