Min CC 09/05/1974 CITY OF CIBOLO
SEPT. 5, 1974
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Ted Dykes with all members
present except Mayor Schlather who arrived at 7:30 P.M.
The minutes were read and approved as read.
The financial reports were read and accepted.
Mr. Marvin Remmler appeared before the Council to state that he would be
glad to work on the streets if the City provided a pickup for his use.
He state4lthat he would not use his car to pull a trailer the City might
Marge Smith brought a draft of a water works ordinmce for the Council's
consideration. Considerable discussion ensued concerning the wording of
Section 1 referring to a utilities superintendent versus a water works
operator. Also much discussion ensued concerning single metering (Sec. 6) .
Action on the draft was postponed until Bill Mullins could be contacted
as well as Mr. Silvermann of Universal City. Mayor Schlather was to obtain
the water contract from Mr. Rawe.
Linda was asked to contact Sc hertz for a cost proposal on sweeping North Main
St. from FM 78 to the railroad once a month.
The Council voted to pay the bill of Marmon, Mok and Green of $1250 if the
base mapping has been provided, -or $800. if the mapping was not provided.
Linda was directed to send every business a letter reminding them that when
a business is sold, a new business permit is required, as well as when one
might desire to change the business being conducted in a given location.
Mayor Schlather presented to the Council the four alternate proposals
fcL'Fm the Texas Highway Dept. for widening FM 78 through Cibolo . He will
talk to the various landowners who would be affected by the various routes .
The minutes of the Equalization Board meeting were read to the Council. Linda
was asked to write a letter of appreciation to these citizens for their work.
Linda reminded the council that the meeting requested by the City of San Antonio
to discuss overlapping ETJ's was set for 3:15 P.M. Sept. 11 , at San Antonio .
After discussion, it was agreed that we should have our attorney present at
the meeting.
Mayor Schlather brought to the Council the need for a summer employment program
for young people in Cibolo . Much ,discussion ensued as a result of the
enthusiasm of the Council. An effort will be made to obtain a chairman or
supervisor for such a program as soon as possible.
FUN DAY at the Park was discussed at some length. A special work session
was scheduled for Thursday Sept . 12, to get this operation organized.
Mr. Ackermann attended the meeting and discussed problems related to the
water system and his salary. He stated that he had spent 109 hours in
August on water system work and that he would have to have a raise if the
work continued to absorb that amount of his time. The Council took no
action at this time. However, Linda was directed to contact CCMA and Schertz
concerning-a proposal to operate our water system for us.
A motion was made by Fred Niemietz seconded by Marge Smith and passed to
increase Linda's salary to $200.00 a month due to the increase in work load.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.