Min CC 09/19/1974 CITY OF CIBOLO
September 19, 197
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schlather on September 19,
1971 with all members present.
The minutes were read and approved with the correction that main street
was to be swept to just north of the lumber yard.
The financial report was read and accepted.
Much discussion ensued concerning the salary for our water works operator
and other methods of fulfilling this required function. No decision
was reached pending a reply from the City of Schertz and CCMA.
Mayor Schlather reported that he had received a letter stating that
the courts had ruled that a City Council could not officially act unless
the Mayor is present. This is true even if the Mayor Pro-Tem. is present.
There was much discussion concerning Fun-Fund Day at the City Park on
October 20, 1974•
Mayor Schlather reported that our insurance agent had verified that, if
we start a Youth Employment Program, all participants will be covered.
A letter request from Timber Tech, Inc. was read concerning approval
for construction of a truss manufactering plant on the land west of
Mrs. Cunninghams. After checking the Zoning Ordinance Linda was in-
structed to write a letter stating that if they meet the requirements of
arterial development zoning, there would be no zoning change required.
Mayor Schlather reported that he had talked with Mr. Tschirhart, president
of Green Valley Water Corp., concerning possibly using their waterline
by paying a transportation charge. He will try to get on the agenda at
the next Green Valley Water Board meeting to explore this further.
Much discussion ensued concerning the bypass of FM 78 around Cibolo. Discussion
centered on how the City could afford to acquire the ROW and that we could
not afford not to acquire the ROW. Mayor Schlather was to talk with Mr.
Anderlitch concerning this problem.
September 19, 1974
Mayor Schlather requested Linda to prepare a certificate of
appreciation for the Water Board and Mrs. Dykes.
Mayor Schlather stated that he would like to ask Mrs. Dykes to
serve the remainder of her late husband's term on the City Council.
The Council agreed unanimously.
A motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Stella Lieck) and passed to elect
Edward Ling Mayor Pro-Tem.
A motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) to pay Mr. Ackermann
for repair of the City Pickup.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 P. M.