Min CC 10/17/1974 ' i 1 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 17, 1974 The regular city council meeting was called to order on October 17th, 197-4 by Mayor Schlather with all members present. Edward Ling gave the invocation.' The minutes were read and approved as read. The financial report was read and accepted. A motion was made by Edward Ling (Fred Niemietz) and passed unanimously to pass ordinance # 211 goveming the City utilities system of Cibolo,_ Texas; Providing for the appointment of a maintenance officer; providing for con- nections to water mains; regulating the use of water from the City utilities department; providing for service through meters; prescribing rates, penalties and declaring an emergency. This ordinance is to become effective the 19th day of October, 1974. Mayor Schlather read a letter to the Council from the City of Schertz out- lining their proposal to provide emmergency repairs to our water distribution system. No action was taken pending receipt of other proposals . Edward Ling reported that he and Mayor Schlather met with Mr. Kopp of the Texas Park and Wildlife Department on the 16th of October. Mr. Kopp re- ported e- ported that our request for an increase in our grant funds had been approved. He wanted our assurance that we intended to proceed with the project. We assured him of our intentions to proceed. He also discussed with us the data required to obtain credit for donated labor and material. Much discussion ensued concerning the upcoming FUN-FUND SUNDAY at Cibolo City Park. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 P. M. � 2-t� � .� F.' S. SCHLATHER MAYOR 7ND9 N. LING CITY SECRETARY