Min CC 11/07/1974 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1974 The regular City Council meeting was called to order on November 7, 197 .5;-at 7:05 P.M. with all members present except Linda Ling. Mrs . Dykes was sworn in as a new alderman by Mayor Schlather. The minutes were read and approved as read. Mr. Oscar Schmidt verbly requested of the Council a permit to move a small house into Cibolo . He was requested to provide the necessary details in writing to our building inspector, Mr. Grant C.S. Pfeil. Alderman Fred Niemietz discussed with the Council the need to extend Marvin Remmler's hours to 8 hours per week. The Council agreed to this for so long as the work load warrants . Alderman Fred Niemietz presented to the Council a summary of the Fund Fun Sunday on October 20 at the City Park. Action on the Mobile Home Park Ordinance was postponed since the draft was incomplete. The Council discussed a request by George Condoes for a 7 year tax exepption for any industry which he might bring to the area. The Council agreed that no tax break would be allowed. Mr. Edw. Higginson who was present at the meeting excepted the position as Civil Defence Director. A motion was made by Alderman Edw. Ling (Fred Niemietz) and passed unanimously to place $20,000.00 of the City' s Funds into Certificates of Deposits . At Linda's direction, Alderman Ling reminded the Council that the City had no insurance on the Park Building or the City Hall. The Council agreed that Linda should purchase appropriate fire insurance for these buildings. November 7, 1974 The overlapping ETJ's with the City of Schertz were discussed, but a firm position was not established. Further annexations were discussed by the Council and it was the concensus of opinion that an effort should be made to move east along the Railroad tracks . The Council agreed upon the need for a Traffic Control Ordinance . Linda was instructed to began drafting such an ordinance . There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 P• M. F. S. SUCHIATHER MAYOR LINDA N. LING CITY SI9CREWY