Min CC 12/05/1974 CITY OF CIBOLO
The regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.
with all members present except Alderman Edward Ling.
The invocation was given by Linda Ling.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Alderman Niemietz presented the names of
as proposed members of a Board of Directors of the Parks and Recreation
Department to assist Fred Niemietz in the park operation. A motion was
made by Marge Smith(Genevieve Dykes) and passed unanimously to approve
the proposed members of the Board.
Martha Niemietz was introduced to the Council as an applicant for part
time help to relieve Linda in event of sickness or vacation. A motion
was made by Marge Smith, (Stella Lieck) and passed unanimously to hire
Martha on a 90 day training status at the minimum wage of $2 .00/hr.
After some discussion, a motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith)
and passed unanimously to pass the Mobile Home Park Ordinance #212 .
Linda briefed the Council on the prices on fire insurance and workmans
compensation for the city. The Co.uncil instructed her to purchase the
insurance from Tri City Insurance Co.
A motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Stella Lieck) and passed unanimously
to pass Resolution #1.021 authorizing the Mayor and the City Secretary
to make Deposits and Withdrawals on all City bankaccounts .
The tax exemption of persons over 65 years of age was discussed. No action
was taken at this time. "
The fire rating for Cibolo was discussed. Linda was requested to attempt
t000btain a meeting with someone from the State Insurance Commission to
explain to the City Council, the Fire Department and the Industrial Park
Directors, the rating system and possible methods of improving the fire
Minutes: 2nd. page of December 5, ' 74.
Alderman Niemietz brought up the fact campfire girls were being charged
$1 .00 a meeting and others were paying nothing for the use- of the Recreation
Building. The Council is to come up with guidelines to cover this situation.
The Mayor reported that he had met with Green Valley Water two weeks ago .
They are interested in cooperating with the Council in providing an additional
water supply to Cibolo .
The Mayor also reported that Mr. Anderlitch had successed in selling
$90,000. of the City's bonds to the State of Texas at the very favorable
rate of 5.36%.
The October 9 letter from the City of Schertz concerning stand=by maintenance
of our water system was discussed but no action was taken.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P. M.