Min CC 02/21/1975 - Special i CITY OF CIBOIO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 21 , 1975 A Special City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Schlather at 6:30 P.M. with all members present. Mr. Harry Silverman, Assistant City Manager of Universal City and Jesse Graham, General Manager of C.C.M.A. was also present . Mr. Silverman explained to the Council the need for and intention of the Community Council of the Randolph Subregion to obtain a Federal 208 Fund grant to study pollution probs in the area and develop a plan for abatement of the pollution. Both C.C.M.A. and the Community Council want to obtain the planning grant. Mr. Silverman then presented the views of the Community Council while Mr. Graham presented C.C.M.A.'s views . The difference between the two organizations is basically as follows: C.C.M.A. wants to be specifically named on page 30 of the 208 Pla Plan as one of the agencies responsible for coordination of the inputs to the Plan and to be responsible for the implementation of the applicable portion of that Plan. The Resolution of the Community Council of the Randolph Subregion to support the 208 Plan as drafted omits mention of C.C.M.A. as the responsible regional pollution control agency. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Marge Smith(Genevieve Dykes) and passed unanimously to write a letter to C.C.M.A. supporting C.C.M.A. ' s position. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. ?��� F. S. Schlather Mayor Lindg N. Ling aity Secr ry