Min CC 03/11/1975 - Special L I
MARCH 11 , 1975
A Special Joint meeting was held with the City of Schertz at 8:00 P.M.
in the Council Chambers in Schertz .
All Members of the Cibolo City Council were present. Mr. Larry Catlin,
Cibolo 's city attorney was also present. Those present on the Schertz
Council were Mayor Robert Bueker, Ion Seeba, Robert Schwartz, and Bobbie
Mayor Schlather opened the meeting by stating the council agreed unanimously
upon the common boundary line as proposed by the City of Schertz .
Mayor Bueker expressed his satisfaction that the cities had reached an
agreement on this matter.
After further discussion it was agreed that Mr. Gaddis, Schertz's engineer,
should develop the necessary survey rotes to delineate the proposed boundary.
Mr. Harris, Schertz's attorney, should develop a joint ordinance for passage
by Schertz on April 1 and Cibolo on April 3 to finalize the agreement
reached at this meeting.
It was further agreed that Cibolo would cost share in the survey notes .
There being no further business for the joint council the Cibolo City
Council adjourned to the Cibolo City Hall at 8:30.
Mayor Schlather then reported to the Council the results of the meeting
between the Industrial Park Board of Directors, other local citizens and
the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. The Court agreed to request
state aid on the upgrading of Krahn Lane to a Farm to Market Road and
interconnection with Farm to Market 1103 just north of Cibolo . Mr. Ehlers
of the Texas Highway Department was present at this .•aeeting. He suggested
that the City have the necessary right of way surveyed immediately and
attempt to obtain said right of way. He stated that this would expedite
processing and construction if approved. Consequently, a motion was made by
Marge Smith (Stella Lieck) and passed unanimously to hire a surveyor to survey
the right of way for the proposed FM1103-Krahn Lane route.
There being no further business, the mee in adjourned a :10 P. M.
F. S. Sc lather Mayor
L' da N. Ling Ci y S etary