Min CC 06/05/1975 CITY OF CIBOLO
JUNE 5, 1975
The regular City Council meeting was called to order on June 5, 1975,
at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Schlather, all members being present.
Invocation was given by Edward Ling.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
(Just prior to the City Council meeting, the Council and Park Members
gathered at the Cibolo City Park for the Ground Breaking Ceremony.)
Also present at the City Council meeting was Mr. Fred Beutnagel, County
Health Inspector from Seguin. He discussed the authority he has in
picking up stray animals and bite cases . _
Edward Ling will finish drafting up the sewer hook up ordinance by the
next meeting.
The Council approved payment of Mr. Hugp Ackerman (policeman) and the
Cibolo City Park principal payment out of the next year' s Revenue Sharing
funds .
Mayor Schlather reported that the earnest meney contract for a water well
site had been taken to Mr. Bock and should be ready for action at the next
Edward Ling reported that Mr.. Mullins was revising the drawings covering
the house sanitary sewer laterals to make them easier to include in the
subdivision ordinance. Futhermore, he is to return the water system draw-
ings immediately so the accuracy may be verified and then a reproducible
obtained. Edward Ling is to work on this .
Mayor Schlather reported that the Texas Highway Dept. has approved the re-
routing of FM 1103 and consequently they will fund all future surveying, etc .
on the project except the right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation.
The Council, after discussion of numerous conflicts, changed the date of the
1975 Cibolo Fun Days to September 28.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.