Min CC 06/19/1975 CITY OF CIBOLO
JUNE 19, 1975
The regular city council meeting was called to order by Mayor Schlather
at 7:00 P.M. with all members present except Alderman Marvin Kierum.
The invocation was given by Alderman Edward Ling.
The minutes were read and approved as read.
The financial reports were accepted as presented.
Alderman Fred Niemietz reported that the water line in the city park had
been layed and the parking lots and ball diamond staked.
Mayor Schlather reported that Mr. Wayne Zwicke would be interested in a
job as our policeman and water works employee if the Council felt the
city could afford to make this move at this time. The feasibility of this
was discussed at length, along with related items such as purchase of car,
required equipment, rental of radar unit, establishment of municipal
court with judge and court reporter, etc .
The bill from CCMA of over a month ago requesting payment in full for the
sewer system was discussed at length. Based on the advice of our financial
advisor and the fact that the job was 95% complete, Edward Ling (Fred Niemietz)
made a motion to pay the bill. Motion passed unanimously.
After discussion, the Council agreed to appoint CCMA as our representative
on the Technical Advisory Committee of the 208 planning grant for regional
wastewater stucy, with the provision that we be furnished a copy of the
agenda at least 3 days prior to any meeting and that we be furnished minutes
of the meeting as soon as received by CCMA. It was further conditional
upon our right to send our otim representative to any meeting we felt it was
needed and that the representative would cost Cibolo nothing.
Alderman Fred Niemietz reported that our army surplus truck had been returned
to the Civil Defense representative since the city could not find a use for it
at this time.
Mayor Schlather reported that our attorney was running a title search on the
land proposed for purchase for a water well site and that the earnest noney
contract should be ready for consideration at the next meeting.
Page 2, Minutes- June 19, 1975
A motion was made by Alderman Edward Ling (Marge Smith) to pass Resolution
No . 1024 concerning the rerouting of FM 1103. ,Motion passed unanimously.
A copy will be sent to Walter Ehlers and the County Com-aissi.oner's Court .
The Council discussed past annexations to the City. Mayor Schlather was to
discuss them with Mr. Bennie Bock; our attorney.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M.