Min CC 07/28/1975 - Special CITY OF CIBOLO
JULY 285 1975
The Special City Council meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor
Schlather with all members present. The invocation was given by Alderman
Edward Ling.
Mr. Jesse Graham of CCMA was present and briefed the Council on the status of
sewer construction and other details relating to the sewer. CCKk will make
Mr. Robert Camper available to Cibolo as a backup inspector on the house sewer
connections .
The Council discussed at length the proposed sewer ordinance. Numerous changes
were made. Finally, a motion was made by Edward Ling (Marge Smith) to pass
Ordinance No . 220 requiring connection to the Sanitary Sewer System in
Cibolo . Motion passed unanimously.
Clemens Dylla appeared before the Council to protest the health hazard on the,
Arnolds and Maud Haeke property due to the weeds and trash. Linda was directed
to notify the owners of the requirement to clean the property in accordance with
the city weed and trash ordinance, or the city will have it cleaned and bill the
Linda was requested to send a letter to Southern Pacific Railroad to finish
their mowing of the right of way.
Upon Mr. Marvin Kierum's advise, the Council decided not to buy,the tractor
which had been under consideration.
Police protection was discussed at great length. Finally a motion was made by
Mr. Marvin Kierum(Fred Niemietz) and passed unanimously to hire Mr. Wayne Zwicke
as our Chief of Police and other duties as assigned and as outlined in the job
description to be prepared, at a salary of $625/mo . The City will furnish a
police car with required equipment and upkeep and gasoline for the car. He is
to attend the first certification school in September and become certified within
one (1 ) year. He will attend each City Council meeting. Other details of employ-
ment will be as outlined in City Policy which is to be developed prior to September
1 , and as amended thereafter.
Linda brought to the Council the proposal by the S.C.U.C.-I.S.D. Board to furnish
copies of their tax records for $2.50 per card. After discussion, Fred Niemietz
made a motion to purchase this required information. The motion was seconded by
Stephen Dykes and passed unanimously.
Fred Niemietz reported to the Council the bill from Mr. H.L. Young(Crutsinger) for
$972 .00 for spreading fill dirt in the old gravel pit. After much discussion, a
motion was made by Stephen Dykes (Marvin Kierum) to pay the bill. Motion passed
Mayor Schlather stated that he would attempt to get Mr. Stitch to spread all
dirt dumped by him in the future.
Linda was requested to prepare a newsletter as soon as possible, and include the
details of the sewer ordinance and soliciting help on work days at the City Park.
There being no other business on the agenda, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M.