Min CC 06/30/1975 CITY OF CIBOLO
JUNE 3031975
The regular city council meeting was called to order by Mayor
Schlather at 7:00 P.M. with all members present. Mr. Mullins,
our Engineer, was also present at the meeting as was several
local plumbing contractors .
The proposed city standards for sewer connections were discussed
at length. The final standards agreed upon by the Council based upon
the recommendations of Mr. Mullins were as follows:
1 . Schedule 40 PVC will be the minimum pipe required.
2 . Solvent weld fittings will not be allowed.
3. Minimum 6 inch pipe size will be required up to the
owners property.
4. Minimum 4 inch service line will be allowed for existing
construction but 6 inch will be required on all construction
after January 1 , 1976.
While discussing the proposed Earnest Money Contract prepared by the
City's Attorney, (Mr. Bennie Bock) , Mr._14ullins, pointed out the require-
ment to obtain a sanitary easement for 150 ft. radius around the well
site. With this change, the Council approved Resolution 1025
authorizing Mayor Schlather to execute the Earnest Money Contract.
A motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Marvin Kierum) and passed unanimously
to appoint the following citizens for_:, h,e. poard of Equalization for 1975:
this to include an ordinance setting a time for the meeting of said board.
1 . Luree Sassman
2. Grant C.S. Pf ell
3• Claude Smith
Acting upon a request of GVEC, a motion was made by Marge Smith (Edward
Ling) and passed unanimously to authorize a connection fee charge by
GVEC of $10.
Police protection for Cibolo was discussed at some length.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.