Min CC 09/18/1975 Fi CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 185 1975 The regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Schlather with all members present. The invocation was given by Ed Ling. A motion was made by Marvin Kierum and seconded by Stephen Dykes to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as corrected. Motion passed. The financial report was accepted as presented. Mrs . Nirider requested that the City make the neciessary arrangements to provide a local storage area for impounded motor vehicles . The Council agreed to do this as soon as possible. A presentation was made by George Wood urging the City to lease a portable emergency oxygen unit for our police car. The City Council postponed action on this item pending a budget review. A written ordinance (Number 224' AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION OF SAID CITY was introduced for the consideration of the Council and read in full. It was then duly moved and seconded that said ordinance be adopted; and, after due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the adoption of said ordinance;. prevailed and carried by the following vote: (Motion made- Stephen Dykes, seconded-Marge Smith) AYES: All members of said City Council shown present above voted "AYE" NOES: None. On behalf of Nell Funk, Mayer Schlather urged all Council persons to support the SAFES Fair on October 18, by working in the various booths as required. Linda was directed to have the streets and city park mowed. A motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Marvin Kierum) and passed unanimously to appoint John Sippel as Municipal Judge. A motion was made by Stephen Dykes seconded by Fred Niemietz and passed unanimously to give Mayor Schlather the authority to hire a prosecuting attorney for Corporation Court and to set a court date which will meet with the approval of the Municipal Judge, Attorney and Court Clerk. Page 2 September 18, 1975 Minutes . The Council agreed after considerable discussion, to request in writing that CCMA retain a substantial amount of the total contract fee on our sewer project to ensure that all required work has been satisfactorily com- pleted'. This action was taken as a result of numerous indications of poor workmanship and reported failures to comply with the contract. A motion was made by Marge Smith and seconded by Stephen Dykes to adjourn the meeting at 11 :00 P.M. F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR LINDA N. LING CITY SEC TARP CITY Or CIBOLO SEPiM,MBER 1975 GRAND TOTAL B ' TAX FUND $ 8,012.51 GENERAL FUND 5,215.27 WATER TXRKS ACCOUNT 15,135.61 SOCIAL SECURITY FUND h.11 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 709.42 REVENUE SHARING CD'S 2,245.00 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS 20,000.00 CITY PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND 2,0 .7.68 WATER-WORKS & SEWER SYSTEM CONST. 3,232 .00 WW. &.SS RESERVE FUND 1 ,514-00 W.W.& SS INTEREST & SINKING FUND 835.91 TOTAL ,9 1 .-5L� LESS DESIGNATED FUNDS 9,086.00 ENDING TOTAL OF FUNDS $49,865-54 $9086.00 designated for Reserve Acct. #9-991 -082 City of CiLolo ltlater TAbrks and Sewer System Reserve Fund.