Min CC 10/16/1975 CITY OF _CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING = -- OCTOBER 16, 1975 The regular city council meeting was called to order by Mayor Schlather on October 16, 1975, at 7:00 P.M. with all members present except Alderman Edward Ling. The invocation was given by Linda Ling. The minutes of October 2, were approved as presented. The financial report for September was accepted with the correction of ($3 .23, refund to Mary Williams in August on Waterworks account #900-036) . Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Thurman appeared before the council to discuss the location of their sewer connection. The council ascertained the facts of the situation and Mayor Schlather was to contact Mr. Mullins to resolve the situation. Mayor Schlather read. a letter from Mr. Denny Arnold of the City of Schertz re- questing arrangement be made for a renegotiation on our water contract with Schertz . Mayor Schlather was to make arrangements for such a meeting. A written ordinance AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $ 3,000 CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1975, was introduced for the consideration of the council and read in full. A motion was made by Stephen Dykes and seconded by Marvin Kierum that said Ordinance be adopted. The- motion carried by the following vote: AYES: All members of said City Council shown present above voted "AYE" NOES: None. Ordinance then being passed, it was certified by the Mayor and the City Secretary. A motion was made by Fred Niemietz, seconded by Marvin Kierum and passed to provide $50.00 for.operating expenses for the Cibolo Centennial Committee (CCC) . Marge Smith reported to the council on the Community Council of the Randolph Subregion meeting on October. 9, at which she represented Cibolo . The meeting was concerned with the Randolph Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) . After some discussion concerning the selection of a prosecuting attorney for municipal court, a motion was made by Marvin Kierum, seconded by Fred Niemietz to pass Resolu- tion # 1025 retaining Eugene Sisk as prosecuting attorney. Motion passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR LINDA N. LING CITY SECS ARY