Min CC 11/06/1975 * X ; CI'T'Y OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOvEMBER 6, 175 The regular City Council meeting was brought to order by Mayor Schlather on November 6, 1975, at 7:30 P.M. with all members present except Alderman Ed Ling. The minutes were approved as presented. The new city hall was discussed. The renting of a portion of the building to Mr. Donald Cale in the amount of $100.00 per month was approved. Mr. Cale is to meet with the council and settle onowhich section of the building he will be renting. Mayor Schlather reported that the finalization of the paper work will take approximately 30 days . The renaming of Pfeil Lane was brought to the Council's attention since Cibolo already has a Pfeil Street. The Council, after some discussion, left the final decision to Mr. Grant Pfeil-owner at the end of Pfeil Lane. The dispatching service for our Police Department was reviewed. Mayor Schlather is to send letters to the City of Schertz and to the City of Seguin approving the services at $50.00 a month each in both cities. Wayne Zwicke is to begin work in Cibolo as our sewer inspector. Mr. Bob Camper is to meet with Wayne to discuss inspections . Mayor Schlather is to contact Ed Higginson on accepting the position of coordinator of the Division of Disaster Emergency Service. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. 7a a'Q� F. S. S CHLATHER MAYOR AN LINDA LING TY S C Y