Min CC 11/20/1975 r 1 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 20, ' 75 The regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on November 20, 1975, by Mayor Schlather with the following members present: PRESENT ABSENT Mayor Schlather NONE Edward Ling Fred Niemietz Marge Smith Stephen Dykes Marvin Kierum Chief Wayne Zwicke Bldg Insp. Grant Pfeil The invocation was given by Edward Ling. The minutes of the regular and special meeting in November were approved as presented. The financial report was read and accepted. The revised budget developed 'at the Special meeting was discussed at some length. Specifically, the painting of the water tower was mentioned, which is the prime item causing the deficit for this year. However, the surplus accumulated in the water department was for this purpose. In addition, a projected income of' $6,000. per year from traffic fines was entered in the budget. Mention was also made of the increased debt retirement on the old water board bonds . A motion was made by Edward Ling seconded by Stephen Dykes to adopt the revised budget and set a quarterly review within 15 days of the ending of each quarter. Motion passed unanimously. In adopting the budget, the Council approved the hiring of an assistant to the City Secretary for 40 hours per month and a 5% raise for all City Employees effective January 1 , 1976. The Council agreed that a personnel policy and job description should be developed for all City employees . Linda will begin work on this and Wayne will work with her. Mayor Schlather discussed again with the Council the prospective industrial develop- ment in the Schneider Industrial Park. As previously agr6ed by telephone vote, Mayor Schlather was authorized to quote the following water and sewer rates based on these conditions : Water- 28¢/100 gallons for 2 years based on using 6,000,000 gallons/mo . and a written Green Valley Water Dist. commitment to furnish all the City's water needs at 25¢/1000 for at least this time period. Sewer- Annual charge as follows based on 6,000,000 gallons per month: $23,0 .0 - for each of first two years 2 7,010 - for third year 30,210 - for fourth year 33,810 - for fifth year Thereafter the rate will be that charged by CCMA(presently 54¢/1000 gallons) plus any changes deemed necessary by the City. This rate figure is based on CCMA's charge of 540/1000 which is broken down as follows: 32¢/1000 gal. for operation and maintenance. 22¢/1000 gal. for debt retirement. The City would assume the debt retirement for the first 2 years and a decreasing portion for the next 3 years . All of the above is contingent upon the industry constructing a building valued at $10,000,000. within the City Limits of Cibolo, Texas . Concerning the lease of the SPRR ROW, the SP has verbally stated the land is- avail- able for $96./year. After discussion, a motion was made by Marge Smith,(Stephen Dykes) to enter into a lease of the SPRR ROW from Main to the Y. The motion passed with Fred Niemietz opposing. Mayor Schlather reported that our previously contemplated water well site was not available. Mr. Cale is continuing to search for a site. - It was decided that a newsletter is needed as soon as the details of charging for sewer are finalized. Mayor Schlather was to discuss with Cliff Taylor the sewer line to the Thurman house and other end-of-the- line houses which have had slightly longer lines than other residents . Mayor Schlather reported that the City had received a $3,000. grant(Title VI Funds) to hire someone, presently unemployed for 30 days . There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M: /'(0. _,IC.f/ I F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR LINDA N. LING CITY SEC TARY