Min CC 12/04/1975 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 1975 The regular City Council meeting was called to order on December 4, 1975, by Mayor Schlather with all members present. The invocation was given by Edward Ling. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with corrections attached hereto . Alderman Fred Niemietz, also secretary of the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Dept. presented a very nice first aid kit to the Cibolo Police Dept. The Council decided to apply for subscription of the Texas Registrar. Fee being $25.00 for 100 copies . Fire Chief Ed Higginson attended the council meeting and voiced his concern re- garding the water lines of Cibolo . There is to be a meeting on December 18, 1975, to discuss the whereabouts of all valves and water lines . Tools and a key to the water tower in the event of a break were also discussed. Job descriptions for all employees are being worked on and drafts will be ready by the next city council meeting. A motion to pass Ordinance #222 to sell the Old City Hall was made by Marge Smith and seconded by Marvin Kierum. Motion passed unanimously. A motion to pass Resolution #1026 concerning the painting and repairing of the City of Cibolo water tower was made by Fred Niemietz and seceded by Stephen Dykes . Motion passed unanimously. A motion to pass Resolution #1027 accepting provisions of the Texas Highway Dept. concerning the rerouting of FM1103 was made by Marvin Kierum and seconded by Edward Ling. Motion passed unanimously. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. ?za- 2j&vt:- F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR LIN N. LIN& _C12YSWURETARY ATTACRYIENT A. MINUTES, December 4. 1975 Last paragraph should read: Water - 28¢/1000 gallons for 2 years based on using 6,000,000 gallons/mo . and a written Green Valley Water Dist. commitment to furnish all the City's water needs 'at 25¢/1000 for at least this time period.