Min CC 01/15/1976 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 15, 1976 The regular city council meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Schlather with all aldermen present. The invocation was given by Linda Ling. The minutes of the December 18 meeting were approved as read. The financial report was accepted as presented. Mr. Hal Baldwin presented the Council a report on SAFES operation in the past which formed the basis of their proposed budget for future operation. He answered many questions by the Councilmen. No action was taken on the proposal concerning SAFES. Mr. Hugo Ackerman registered a complaint with the Council concerning the listing of his telephone as the Cibolo police number, which was done while he was the only policeman for the City. No action was taken concerning this complaint. Mayor Schlather reported that bids had been opened on our water tower repainting and that they appeared to be approximately 20% above the engineer's estimate. How- ever, since part of the bids were unit price, the engineer would have to evaluate the bids further before presenting the Council with a recommendation. This will be available at the next regular meeting. Chief Zwicke explained a new crime prevention program involving marking of personal property to assure identification if stolen. Assistance would be available to mark equipment. Included would be an 80 hour school for Chief Zwicke. A motion was made by Ed Ling (Marge Smith and passed unanimously to pass Resolution No . 10_19 to participate in this program. Chief Zwicke also expo'iined that we had one more opportunity to purchase a mobile radio unit and a protable unit at 25% of the regular price due to the special assistance program. A motion was made by Ed Ling (Marvin Kierum) and passed unanimously to purchase the two units, the mobile unit to be used by the Fire Chief and reimbursed by the Fire Dept. and the other unit to remain for City use. Mr. Meek reported that 2 fire hydrants had been repaired lastlmonth by Schertz personnel. After discussion, Mr. Meek was requested to obtain an estimated price from Schertz to place the old water standpipe in operation again, and to include a cost comparison of providing a coin operated meter on the standpipe. Mayor Schlather reported that COMA would like to be on our agenda the 1st. Thurs . of each month. The Council was happy to have this regular contact with our regional sewage authority. Chief Zwicke discussed with the Council the enforcement .of our Junk Auto Ordinance and the Weed and Trash Ordinance. Mayor Schlather expressed the Council's desire to make every effort to beautify Cibolo for our 100 anniversary and the bicentennial of our nation. Chief Zwicke also brought to the Council the need for a dog ordinance. After discussion, he was requested to have a draft copy ready for discussion and action at the next meeting. The commissioning of Ed Mosier to carry a gun was again discussed. Mayor Schlather was to check this out with our prosecuting attorney before the Council took any action. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR INIA N. LING CIT SECRETARY