Min CC 03/04/1976 - Public Hearing CITY OF CIBOIO PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 4, 1976 Mayor Schlather called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00 P.M. on March 4, 1976. All members of the City Council were present except Stephen Dykes and Marvin Kierum. Mayor Schlbether read the letter from Mr. & Mrs. Berry to the Council con- cerning the request for rezoning of a portion of the property belonging to the Church of God on F.M. 78 in Cibolo . Mrs. JoeJares presented the information concerning the proposed paint and body shop to the City Council. She showed the blue prints of the proposed building. The owners were asking that 141 .9 feet by 208 feet deep be rezoned corrmiercial. Mayor Schlather read a letter from Mrs. Elisabeth Winters objecting to the rezoning. No citizens appeared for the hearing. Hearing adjourned at 6:40 P.M. F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR LIN N. LING L1 CM S RETARY