Min CC 03/04/1976 I CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 4, 1976 The regular City Council Meeting was called to order on March 4, 1976, by Mayor Schlather with all members present except Stephen Dykes . The minutes of the previous meeting was approved as presented. Mayor Schlather reported that the Texas Highway Dept. was proceeding with the action to reroute 1103 around Cibolo . Efforts to acquire right of way are underway. Mr. Donald Crook of GVEC discussed the,struction of the City Park. He stated they would provide all the used power poles possible, but would not be likely to be able to furnish the total number required. He indicated he might be able to furnish 10-15 poles now. He also indicated that they would attempt to complete the ball fi&ld by May 15. Concerning the proposed sewer rate a letter of objection from the schools was read by Mayor Schlather. As a result the City agreed to seek the advise of our engineer and financial advisor before taking any action on this matter. The City Council agreed that a letter of appreciation should be written to Mr. Meek for his faithful service to the City. Also all records and tools should be transferred to the City Hall. The City Council considered the request for rezoning to commercial of the western 141 .9 feet by 208 feet deep of the one acre tract now owned by the Church of God on FM 78 in Cibolo to allow the construction of a paint and body shop. After consideration of this request and the letter of objection from Mrs . Elisabeth Winters, a motion was made by Fred Niemietz, seconded by Marge Smith and passed unanimously to rezone the subject tract to arterial development and grant a specific `use permit for the construction of the said -0 _:- paint and body shop. Restrictions are as follows: 1 . Operation shall be limited to those hours between 7AM and 9BM. 2 . No appreciable fumes and no paint shall be allowed to escape from the building. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR LINEA N. LING C SEPETARY