Min CC 03/18/1976 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18, 1976 The regular City Council meeting was called to 6rder on Thursday, March 18, 1976 at 7:00 P.M. with all members present. The invocation was given by Edward Ling. The minutes of the previous meeting was approved as presented. A request was made to Linda by the Council to send out the agenda along with the minutes and the financial report before the meeting. Each member is to be contacted for items to be put on the agenda . K- determination ofrsewererateb forlc.ommercialibuildings in Cibolo was postponed until next month due to the unsettled school rate. Mayor Schlather brought to the Council a proposed dubdivision on Town Creek. There was much discussion concerning a suburban subdivision code. Mayor Schlather met March 16, with Tom Anderlitch, our financial adviser, Mayor Bueker of Schertz, Denny Arnold city manager of Schertz, and Richard Harris city attorney for Schertz to discuss the water contract between Schertz and Cibolo . The financial report was reviewed and accepted. Mayor Schlather reported on the meeting of the Community Council on March 11 . Discussion ensued concerning the Bicentennial observance between Randolph and surrounding cities on the lath of July. Randolph has given $2,000.00 for fire works and has asked each city to donate additional money for this expense. The Council made no decision at this time. A meeting was to be attended by Linda on March 25, at 1 :00 concerning this celebration. The Council reviewed Wm Mullins bill of $750 -00 for preparation of P16ns, specifica- tions, pre-bid conference and bid opening on the painting of our 50,000 gal. water tank. There was much discussion on different departments in the city. Goals are to be set and carried out and work books showing hours spent each month are to be kept. A motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Stephen Dykes) and passed unanimously to hire Grant CS Pfeil as office worker for the City of Cibolo on a special grant from AACOG. A motion was made by Edward Ling (Marvin Kierum) to authorize Mayor Schlather to in- form Mr . Walter Ehlers to proceed as necessary to acquire ROW for the 1103 by pass to extend 1103 to FM 78. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ;JI-1)"t _ F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR LINDA N. LING CITY SE R