Min CC 04/01/1976 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1 , 1976 The regular City Council meeting was called to order on April 1 , 1976 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. with all members present. The minutes of the March 18 City Council meeting were approved with the following corrections . ( A motion was made by Edward Ling (Marvin Kierum) to authorize Mayor Schlather to request Mr. Walter Ehlers to proceed with plans for the construction of the 1103 by pass to extend 1103 to FM 78 along what is now known as Krahn Lane with the City being responsible for acquisition of all ROW.) The Council made the decision that May 1 will be the deadline for complete hookup of sewers in Cibolo. Wayne Zwicke reported on the Water Works Dept . and the number of meters that were re- placed. Metal plates with notice of fine to anyone opening a fire hydrant besides authorized personnel were to be installed on all fire hydrants. The Fire Dept. announced all fire hydrants would be painted by the Fire Dept. if the City would buy the paint . The Council readily agreed to furnish the paint. The Council is to check out the color code for fire hydrants . Linda was asked to write a letter to Donald Crook requesting-replacement of the signs taken down by GVEC on Schlather Street near O.G. Wiederstein Elementary School-(dead r end, school zone, 20mph.) Linda was directed to send a letter to Mr. Denny Arnold, City Manager of Schertz requesting the contract on the maintenance of the Waterworks system be cancelled since we now have Wayne Zwicke as our waterworks operator. The traffic control ordinance was tabled until the finalization of the codification of all the city ordinances next month. A motion was made by Fred Niem-ietz (Marvin Kierum) and passed unanimously to pur- chase a finger print kit for the Police Dept. There was some discussion concerning the policeman's working after hours, directing traffic in the City and/or out of town for private concerns . The Council felt it would be acceptable provided it did not interfere with his own duties and responsibili- ties. The Council approved attendance at the Mechanics of Arrest Course by AACOG for Wayne Zwicke on April 26 thru 30, 1976. The Council approved sending William Wiederstein his water bill for March of $41 .62 for 52,470 gallons of water used. MINUTES: Aril 1 , 1976 A motion was made by Edward Ling (Marge Smith.) and passed unanimously to pass the attached commercial sewer rate for the City of Cibolo water users. A letter is to be sent to each commercial customer. A motion was made by Edward Ling(Marvin Kierum) and passed unanimously to attempt to purchase the property north of Cibolo for a water well site at a price of $8,000.00 but not to exceed $10,,000.00. Mayor Schlather introduced the following resolution: "A RESOLUTION by the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, relating to certain bonds which have hereto fore been issued by the Guadalupe County Water Control and Improvement District Number One and providing for the cancellation of such bonds ." The resolution was read in full. Thereupon, Alderman Marge Smith made a motion that the resolution be passed finally. The motion was seconded by Alderman Marvin Kierum and carried by the following vote: AYES: Alderman Ling, Kierum, Smith, Niemietz, and Dykes . NOES: None. Mayor Schlather then announced that the resolution has been finally passed and adopted this the 1 day of April, 1976. (Resolution attached) A motion was made by Edward Ling (Stephen Dykes) and passed to donate $100.00 for fireworks to be used on the nth of July and to encourage participation in the 4th of July Fair on Randolph Air Force Base. Linda was to contact all organizations on this matter concerning booths . There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR LINOA N. LING C TYRETARY