Min CC 05/06/1976 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 6, 1976 The City Council met in regular session on Thursday, May 6, 1976 at 7:00 P.M. All Aldermen were present. The invocation was given by Alderman Edward Ling. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. The Council canvassed the votes of the April 3 City Election. Attached is the final total approved by the Council. Mayor Schlather gave the oath of office to the three newly elected officials: Fred Niemietz, Edward Ling and Marge Smith. The financial report for March was read and accepted. The police expense report was presented by Chief Wayne Zwicke. Chief Zwicke also reported on the schools he had attended this past month. The Junk Auto Ordinance was discussed. A letter had been sent to Klaus Engine and Transmission and a citation had been given. Others havb beeninotified'uerbally by Chief Zwicke and will receive a letter. Everyone was reminded of the Cibolo Vol. Fire Dept's Sausage Supper 'to be held on May 8, starting at 1 :00 P.M. The 4th of July at Randolph was discussed. Everyone was urged to participate. Alderman Edward Ling reported on the City Park Construction. The bricklayer will start two (2) weeks from today.(May 20) A motion was made by Alderman Edward Ling (Marvin Kierum) and passed unanimously to pass Resolution No . 1030 concerning the Community School Board. � - A motion was made by Alderman Edward Ling (Fred Niemietz) and passed unanimously to pass Resolution No . 1031 for application of a loan for our water supply project. Linda is to call Mr. Bock concerning the legal proceedures for passing the Code of the City. A motion was made by Alderman Edward Ling (Stephen Dykes) and passed unanimously to give Mayor Schlather the authority to negotiate with Mr. Regan Highcamp to trade a portion of the land on option from Mr. Hierholzer for the additional land required for our water well site sanitary easement. The meeting of May 4 with Mr. Walter Ehlers of the Texas Highway Dept. and interested citizens concerning the 1103 By Pass was discussed. The City's sewer system was discussed. There are approximately 10 residences and establishments not connected and approximately 7 not totally connected. A letter has been sent to each giving them a deadline for connection. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. F. S. S CHLATHER MAYOR LINDA N. LING I SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO FINANCIAL REPORT CUM. TO DATE MONTHLY INCOME BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL _CITY -TAXES,,. = 8162 .00 12633.66 1166. 1074.52 TRAFFI'C FINEST 3500.00 4036.77 500. 984.00 CITY HALL RENT 700.00 100.00 100. 100.00 REVENUE SHARING 1162 .00 1081 .00 166. 512 .00 INTEREST 28.o0 4. STREET RENTALS 1211 .00 2277.56 173. 1062.48 SALES TAX 3500.00 1865.98 500. -0- FILING FEES 7.00 6.00 1 . -0- PERMITS 462 .00 825.00 66. 163 .00 REIMBURSEMENTS 28 .00 60.70 4.20 WATER DEPARTMENT SALES 8953.00 10268.32 1279. 1799.25 DEPOSITS 313.00 210.00 49. 40.00 TAXES -0- 15.86 -0- -0- NE. .NEW METER CHARGES 91 .00 13. -0- INTEREST 525.00 75. -0- TOTAL INCOME $31192 .00 $3908.74 $4460. $5769-45 CITY OF CIBOLO FINANCIAL REPORT CUM TO DATE MONTHLY DISB BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET_ ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS POLICE DEPT. SALARIES 4816. 4802.52 688. 733.84 OPERATING EXPENSE 1050. 1681 .12 150. 419 .42 TELEPHONE 700. 550.00 100. 200.00 COURT COST 700. 875.50 100. 356.75 OFFICE EXPENSE SALARIES 2961 . 3091 .62 423• 456.69 SALARIES (PART TIME) 595• 500.64 85. 90.08 SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT 1400. 1144-77 200. 283-41 ELECTION EXPENSE 84. 220.20 12 . 175.04 PUBLISHING EXPENSE 91 . 69 .89 13 - 16.48 LEGAL EXPENSE LE CAL FEES 294• 54.50 42 . -0- SURVEYOR 581 . 83• INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENSE TML 56. 8. AACOG 56• 100.00 8. MIS C 14. 111 .00 2 . STREETS SALARIES 1575• 2798.67 225. 389 .52 REPAIRS 700. 607 .45 100. 9.15 MOWING 119. 77 .50 17 - UTILITIES 7 .UTILITIES 406. 500.65 58. 91 .47 CITY PARK ANNUAL PAYMENT 1008. 144. SUPPLIES 175. 102 .40 25. INSURANCE 462 . 1603.46 66. BUILDING CODE EXPENSE SALARY 525• 31 -76 75 SBC 28. 40.00 4. CITY COUNCIL(MEETINGS) 406. 352 .00 58. 64.00 CITY TRUCK 175. 133.70 25. 19 .43 WATER WORKS OPERATORS SALARY 1750. 1311 -51 250. -0- CCMA & SCHEFtTZ EXPENSE 700. 1244.74 100. 724.04 PURCHASED WATER 1582. 1496.73 226. 178.35 SUPPLIES 581 . 306.60 83. -0- PEPF UiNiREFUNDS'EONSDEPOSITS 98. 86.72 14. 17.81 DEBT RETIREMENT 3395• 8595.94 485• 1408.22 AUDITOR 1168.00 1168 .00 WELL SITE(EARNEST MONEY) 500.00 500.00 TITLE VI MONEY 691 .87 387.02 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $27083 • $34851 .46 $3869• 7688.72