Min CC 05/20/1976 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOLO, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 20, 19765 7:00 O'CLOCK P.M. 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor F. S. Schlather at 7:00 o'clock P.M. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor E. S. Schlather. Present: Mayor F. S. Schlather Alderman Fred Niemietz Alderman Marvin Kierum Alderwoman-Marge Smith Chief of Police Wayne Zwicke Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Edward Ling Alderman Stephen Dykes 3. Minutes of Previous City Council Meeting. ( a. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes, May 6, 1976. Correction made by Mayor Schlather concerning Mr. Reagon Heitkamp's- name as being misspelled. There being no further corrections, the Council approved the minutes as written. 4. Financial Report for April 1976. a. The financial report for April was approved, subject to audit, by the City Council. 5. Old Business: a . The Code of the City Ordinance was tabled until further information can be attained concerning the passage of the ordinance. b. The CCMA contract was posponed until further information could be received from Mr. Tom Anderlitch. 6. New Business: a. Police Chief Wayne Zwicke reported to the Council the following items: 1 . He announced to the Council that he had been accepted by the SAPD and will report there around the first of the year. 2 . He would like to look into a radar unit lease agreemeiA. The Council was in favor of a demostration by Kustom Traffic Radar System. 3 . A check for the Radio Equipment from AACOG is due at this time.(amt.$481 .50) 4. Crime Prevention Course (June 7-18) . The Council decided not to send Chief Zwicke since it would not be of benefit at this time. 5. Barricades . The Council felt there was a need and asked Chief Zwicke to get prices . 6. Chief Zwicke was to make a list of places on City Street that are in need of repair. Mr. Andrew Tolle is to repair these places when ChiefiZwicke,=-_ ' notifies him. b . Other Contractors are to be notified concerning the patching to be done within the week or the City will repair the streets and bill the contractors. I , c . A letter to CCMA concerning the Contractor's bill for extra work will be sent. d. Mayor Schlather was authorized by the Council to hire a surveyor to survey the water well site for a sanitary easement. e. An adjustment for sewer charges concerning irrigation needs for the schools in Cibolo was approved by the Council. - 7. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. �-/O-0 F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR i LIMA N. LING CI SEFENRY I i . d • '• COLO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARlb—,�4T BOX 2o6 CIBOLO, TEXAS 78108 -= Cibolo VFD Board of Directors Special Meeting Called at 1 :00 PM, Jan. 17, 1976 at Fred's Barber Shop SUBJECT: Purchase of high band 2-way radio. City of Cibolo has opportunity to obtain a new five channel radio through AACOG funding. City wants CFVD to pay for the new radio, as they are unable at this time to purchase the unit. Under the agreement, CVFD would receive the present radio, and Cibolo PD would get the new five channel radio. Radio would have to be installed in Chief' s car at this time, until such time as statute of limitations would expire on the AACOG regulations. Also, radio would be a permanent possession of CFVD, and would not revert to the City at any time. Amount of cost to CFVD would be $300.00; total value of radio is $1200.00. This transaction will take place only if City of Cibolo gets the AACOG fu4ding. Motion made to accept by Oscar Schulz; Second by Albert Woerndel. Motion carried. l I CITY OF CIBOL© FINANCIAL REPORT MAY CUM. TO DATE MONTHLY INCOME BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL AACOG TITLE II 2881 .00 2762 .11 361 .00 389.52 AACOG TITLE VI 306.10 306.10 CITY HALL RENT 800.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 REVENUE SHARING 1328.00 1084.00 166.00 INTEREST 28.00 4.00 STREET RENTALS 1384.00 2277.56 173.00 SALES TAX 4000.00 6405.12 500.00 1539 .14 FILING FEES 8.00 6.00 1 .00 PERMITS 528.00 845.00 66.00 20 .00 TAXES 9328.00 12634.66 1166.00 1 .00 REIMBURSEMENTS 32 .00 400.20 4.00 339 .50 TRAFFIC FINES 4000.00 4755.02 500.00 718.25 WATER DEPARTMENT SALES 10232 .00 12086.40 1279.00 1818.08 DEPOSITS 392 .00 260.00 49.00 20.00 TAXES 15.86 NEW METER CHARGES 104.00 - 13.00 INTEREST 600.00 75.00 TOTAL INCOME 35648.00 44338.33 4460.00 5251 .59 CITY OF CIBOLO f FINANCIAL REREPORT MAY CUM TOTOODATEE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES 5504.00 5497-16 688.00 694.6 OPERATING EXPENSE 1200.00 2035.07 150.00 353.95 TELEPHONE 800.00 550.00 100.00 1 ATTORNEY 600.00 525.00 75.00 75.00 JUDGE 200.00 175.00 25.00 25.00 CITY HALL EXPENSE SALARIES 3384-00 3536.19 423.00 444.57 SALARIES (PART- 'IME) 680.00 593 .15 85.00 92 .51 _ SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT 1600.00 1301 -39 200.00 156.62 ELECTION EXPENSE 96.00 220.20 12 .00 PUBLISHING EXPENSE 10 ..00 69.89 13.00 LEGAL EXPENSE LEGAL FEES 336.00 54.50 42 .00 SURVEYOR 66 ..00 83.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENSE TML 61 .00 584- 8,.00 AACOG 64.00 584.50 8.00 484.50 MIS=C. 16.00 211 .00 2 .00 100.00 STREETS SALARIES 1800.00 3188.19 225.00 389.52 REPAIRS 800.o0 61 .79 100.00 33.4;34 MOWING 136.00 77.50 17 .00 UTILITIES 464.00 626.62 58.00 125.97 CITY PARK ANNUAL PAYMENT 1152 .00 144.00 SUPPLIES 200.00 102 -40 125.00 INSURANCE 52 8.00 1603 -46 66.00 BUILDING CODE EXPENSE SALARY 600.00 31 .76 75.00 SBC 32.00 72.16 4.00 32 .16 SALARIES (COUNCIL) 464.00 398.00 58.00 46.00 CITY TRUCK 200.00 156.71 25.00 23 .01 WATER WORKS s©PERATORS SALARY 2000.00 1311 -51 250.00 CCMA & SCHERTZ EXPENSE 800.00 1597 .73 100.00 352.99 PURCHASED WATER 1808.00 1682.76 226.00 186.03 SUPPLIES 661 .00 306.60 83.00 REFUNDS ON DEPOSIT 112 .00 86.72 11 .00 DEBT RETIREMENT 3880.o0 12377.87 185.00 3781 -93 SAFES 35.00 35.00 SEWER INSTALLATION(CITY HALL) 125.00 125.00 CUM TO DATE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS CONT. BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL COURT COST 275.50 2Y 5�5G Tn1ELL SITE 500.00 AUDITOR 1168.00 TITLE VI 691 .87 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 30952 .00 -4095G-.33 3869.00 7558.71 y CITY PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND DISBURSEMENTS Alamo Iron Works $120.07 H. L. Eaton 114-00 Total 23 .07 CITY OF CIBOLO WATER WORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION FUND DISBURSEMENTS T & F Construction(sewer taps) $308.00 i