Min CC 06/03/1976 I MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOLO, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, 1976, 7:00 O' CLOCK P.M. 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Fred Niemietz at 7:00 o'clock P.M. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Fred Niemietz . Present: Alderman Fred Niemietz Alderwoman Marge Smith Alderman Marvin Kierum Chief of Police Wayne Zwicke Absent: Mayor F . S. Schlather Mayor Pro Tem Edward Ling Alderman Stephen Dykes 3 . Minutes of Previous City Council Meeting. a . Regular City Council Meeting Minutes, May 20, 1976. The Council approved the minutes as written. 4. Fd.ahidial Report: a. No report was given. 5. Old Business: a. Police Chief Wayne Zwicke reported on the following: 1 . Radar unit will be at the next meeting for inspection. 2 . The prices of barricades had not been checked. 3. The check to AACOG for the radio equipment had been sent. b. The c6ntract with CCMA was tabled until the next regular City Council meeting. - c . The Codification of our Ordinances for the City was tabled until further word from TML is received. 6. New Business: a. A motion was made by Marvin Kierum, seconded by Marge Smith and passed unanimously to authorize our City Engineer, Mr. William Mullins to proceed with the design of a water line from the Green Valley Water Supply system to the City of Cibolo's system. Mr. Mullins was to forward a contract covering this work to the Council for their approval and execution. b . The Council agreed to make an on site survey at 7:00 P.M. on June 17, of all streets within the City to determine the paving requirements . A report of this survey will be furnished to Mr. Mullins . 7 . Adjournment: a. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR -V�k ' -LINA N. LING ,ITY SECRET 1 CITY OF CCIBOLO FINANCIAL REPORT JUNE CUM TO DATE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS BUDGET ACTURL BUDGET ACTUAL POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES 6192 .00 6196.00 688. 698.84 OPERATING EXPENSE 1350.00 2137 .16 150. 102 .09 TELEPHONE 900.00 650.00 100. 100.00 ATTORNEY 675.00 525.00 75. JUDGE 225.00 175.00 25. CITY HALL EXPENSE SALARIES 3807.00 3980.76 423• 444.57 SALARIES (PARTTIME) 765.00 710.01 85. 116.86 SUPPLIES &. EQUIPMENT 1800.00 1423.44 200. 122.05 ELECTION EXPENSE 108.00 220.20 12. PUBLISHING EXPENSE 117.00 69.89 13 LEGAL EXPENSE 1 LEGAL FEES 378.00 54.50 42. SURVEYOR 747.00 83. INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENSE TML 72 .00 8. AA COG 72.00 8. MIS C. 18 .00 2. STREETS SALARIES 2025.00 3577 .71 225. 389.52 REPAIRS 900.00 853.17 100. 211 .38 MOWING 153 -00 77 .50 17. UTILITIES 522 .00 726.87 58. 100.25 CITY PARK 1296.00 1715-00, 144. _ 17-15-00 ANNUAL PAYMENT 1296.00 1715.00 144. 1715.00 SUPPLIES 225.00 102 .40 25. INSURANCE 594.00 1603.46 66. BUILDING CODE EXPENSE SALARY 675.00 31 -76 75. SBC 36.00 72 .16 4. SALARIES 522.00 398.00 58. CITY TRUCK 225.00 219 .22 25. 62 .51 WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATORS SALARY 2250.00 1311 .51 250. CCMA & SCHERTZ EXPENSE 900.00 1924.32 100. 326.59 PURCHASED WATER 2034.00 1817.76 226. 135.00 SUPPLIES 747.00 306.60 83. REFUNDS ON DEPOSIT 126.00 141 .72 14. 55.00 DEBT RETIREMENT 4365.00 12796.80 485. 418.93 SAFES 35 .00 SEWER INSTALLATION 125.00 COURT COST 275.50 WELL SITE 500.00 AUDITOR 1168.00 TITLE VI 820.48 128.61 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $34821 .00 $47537.40 $3869. $5127.20 • CITY OF ,C:IBOLO FINANCIAL REPORT JUNE CUM. TO DATE MONTHLY INCOME BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL AACOG TITLE II 3248.00 3541 .45 364. 779.04 AA COG TITLE VI 821 -73 515.63 CITY HALL RENT 900.00 600.00 100. 100 .00 REVENUE SHARING 1494.00 1084.00 166. INTEREST (C.D.#345) 32.00 90.14 4. 90.14 STREET RENTALS 11557 .00 12277.56 11'-73 . 1720.30 SALES TAX 4500.00 7680.62 500. 1275.50 FILING FEES 9.00 6.00 1 . PERMITS 594.00 855.00 66. 10.00 TAXES 10494.00 12641 .33 1166. 6.67 REIMBURSEMENTS 36.00 453 .80 4• 53.60 TRAFFIC FINES 4500.00 5323 .52 500. 568.50 WATER DEPT SALES 11511 .00 13806.70 1279 . 1720.30 DEPOSITS 441 .00 340.00 Ll.49. 80.00 TAXES 15.86 NEW METER CHARGES 117.00 13 . INTEREST 675.00 75. TOTAL INCOME $40108.00 $49537.71 $4460. $5199.38