Min CC 07/10/1976 - Special MINUTES ��. SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 103 1976, 9:00 A•.M: A Special City Council Meeting was called to order to have a public hearing on the budget for the coming year. Present : Mayor F. S. Schlather Alderman Edward Ling Alderperson Marge Smith Alderman Marvin Kierum Absent: Alderman Fred Niemietz Alderman Stephen Dykes After much discussion Marge Smith made a motion to accept the 1976- 1977 Fiscal Year Budget for the City. Marvin Kierum seconded the motion and the motion passed uannimously. TriP, A motion was made by Marge Smith, seconded by Marvin Kierum and passed unanimously to pass Ordinance No . 228 to set the tax rate for 1976. Copy of Ordinance attached hereto . The Council is to meet for a special meeting on the 4th Thursday in August. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M. F. S. CHLA HER MAYOR rnfl7rN.- LINT V CIT • SE TARY