Min CC 09/02/1976 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOUJ, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1976, 7:00 O' CLOCK P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. 2 . MINUTES OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETING: The minutes were approved as presented. 3. OLD BUSINESS: a. Mayor Schlather reported that he had sent a letter to the Bracken Methodist Church requesting a sanitary easement to be used in conjunction with the Hierholzer property in obtaining a water well site for Cibolo . b. Mayor Schlather reported he had. contacted Randolph Air Force Base concerning moving of the light poles ori the City ball field. They are to contact Ed Ling on this . c . Mayor Schlather reported he had contacted Mr. Drongale at SouthernPacific Railroad concerning picking up scrap on the railjroad right of way. He felt there would not be a problem. d. Mayor Schlather reported the C.P.R. class scheduled for October 21 and requested attendance by all council members and elimination of the City Council Meeting of that date. He pointed out the advantages of attending the class and wanted the Council to lead the community in attending this valuable course. e. Mayor Schlather reported on a letter from AACOG concerning the Public Works Act covering construction work. He, Linda and Gladys put together a package for this program and returned it to ACCOG. f. Mayor Schlather reported on receipt of a letter from Col. Duke accepting the invitation to speak at our Centennial Celebration. g. Mayor Schlather reported that Mr. Vil:erael had mowed the park and would like to be considered for mowing of the entire City for $1 .0.00 per time. No action was taken. h. Marvin Kerum asked the Council if he could use the mobile home on his lot for rental property. Mayor Schlather replied that per Mr. Bock, our attorney, we could not allow this . He then asked Mr. Fetter to review this . i. Mayor Schlather asked Mr. Fetter to examine our water contract after receiving Mr. Bock's opinion and advise us of our status with Schertz. j . Mayor Schlather reported that all had agreed and he had authorized T & F Construction to complete the roof structure and decking of the concession stand. Ed Ling reported that GVEC has not yet provided the used power poles as promised two years ago . GVEC will be contacted again concerning the poles . Andrew will be asked to obtain at least three bids on the chain link fencing. k. The budget was discussed at length. The section involving personnel salaries was deferred to a later closed session. The budget as attached reflects the Council decisions on the budget except for the personnel salaries which were not resolved at the closed session. They will be discussed further at the next meeting. 4. NEW BUSINESS: None. 5. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. and the Council went into closed session to discuss personnel salaries . F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR LINDA 14. LING CITY SECP6ARY • • i .r �t CITY OF CIBOLO FINANCIAL REPORT • �}uGus 7" 7C CUM. TO DATE MONTHLY INCOME BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL f� AACOG TITLE II (REMINILER) 39 7 G, 3 0,49 $ 364• 7 79 o"T AACOG TITLE VI 03 CITY HALL RENT ► oo. $ O p Op 100. /00, o0 MEVENT INTERESJE T 40. / $ (o, / O 8 p 164. 1IO, 90.14 VATER DEPARTMENT • SALES 060� 1279. 2a 4lo•57 DEPOSITS 5.3 I ,y ;�a ,v 49• TAXES /s 8 13. NEW METER CHARGES 75 INTEREST 9251, 173. STREET-RENTAIS 11 03, J ') 7 7,S6500. l� Lill TAX sso D. 99 iq4, l3 1 . FILING FEES 1�• �,OD 66. PERMITS 1166. TAXES REIMBURSEMENTS TRAFFIC FINES sso o. 6 953, o^ 500. TOTAL INCOME GO 'd�. S� J 1/, �/ 1$44,60. 6 7.5, i CUM. TO DATE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL POLICE PROTECTION SALARIES 75-6 g, 75"S 3, $ 688. 9 3,4 OPERATING EXPENSE /4 SO, 8 371 D 150• ` -1 41 TELEPHONE / 100, 100. ATTORNEY 9s'o. 6 7,5"Do 75•JUD OFFI CE�EXPENSE A' 7O, A �� 25 SALARIES o69; 90 423. SALARIES (PART-TIME) A, 3, / O 3!�F7 85. 30 SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT o D, /�.d c/ 200. a5G •9-1., ELECTION EXPENSE /3:Z, 12 . PUBLISHING EXPENSE / 3, 13. 4/, 12 LEGAL EXPENSE q LEGAL FEES 42. 9 4-'l, 7 0 SURVEYOR 9 3, 3S. a 0 83. 1 3 S", INTERGOVER1,10,7TAL EXPENSE TML ��1 / 7,a, 0 0 8. q s, 00 AACOG 88, S 8 v,s0 8. -- MISC. 3 6"S', 2 . STREETS SALARIES ay 7S, -Y�-�/, 7/ 225. &77 ,10 REPAIRS // p 0 71, /.L 100. 10, 15-0 MOWING / 8'1. / 7.2, S 0 1'7' UTILITIES- G 3g, y �� y 58. CITY PARK II ANNUAL PAYMENT l S J141, /7/r o o 144. ` SUPPLIES,. a 2S;